Low consumption of fruits and vegetables may increase the risk of cardiovascular death


It is quite logical to advise for a long time to eat fruits and vegetables. After all, these powerful plants are bursting with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and a variety of phytochemicals essential for physical and mental health.

But now, we have a much better idea of ​​the quality of fruits and vegetables … to keep us alive. A new study presented today at the annual meeting of the American Society for Nutrition suggests that an insufficient intake of fruits and vegetables is likely to cause millions of deaths per crisis cardiac and stroke in the world.

According to 2010 data, researchers estimate that 1.8 million cardiovascular deaths are due to low fruit consumption (less than 300 grams, the equivalent of two apples), while low consumption of vegetables (less than 400 grams, the equivalent of 3 minced cups) carrots) caused 1 million deaths. To reach this conclusion, researchers estimated the consumption of fruits and vegetables in various countries from food surveys and data on food availability, and then combined it with this year's causes of death, among other factors.

Although the association has been strongest in countries where fruit and vegetable consumption is the lowest in general, including several countries in East Asia and sub-Saharan Africa, it was still quite important in the United States. Compared to the rest of the world, lack of vegetables seemed to be the main problem for Americans: suboptimal vegetable consumption was thought to cause 82,000 cardiovascular deaths, while suboptimal fruit intake accounted for 57,000.

Since cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the United States (and around the world), this study suggests that simply by encouraging people to eat a few more products, we have incredible potential to reduce the number of deaths. deaths caused by heart attacks and strokes. . "Fruits and vegetables are an editable component of the diet that can impact preventable deaths worldwide," said Victoria Miller, Ph.D., lead author of the study, in a statement from press.

Fruits and vegetables can be so cardioprotective for two reasons: they are loaded with fiber, which helps to trap and remove cholesterol from our system and feed the microbiome; they contain minerals, such as magnesium, that help lower blood pressure; and they provide a variety of antioxidants and plant compounds that have demonstrated their ability to reduce inflammation. Of course, some people who consume fewer products could also adopt other unhealthy behaviors that increase their risk of cardiovascular problems (for example, smoking or leading a sedentary lifestyle), but this study reveals that an insufficient intake fruit and vegetables is an important part of the problem.

To get the most cardiovascular benefit from your diet, however, you need to look beyond the product shelf. According to previous research, nuts, whole grains, olive oil and oily fish appear to have a positive impact and reduce the risk of CVD. This is why many experts recommend focusing on a Mediterranean-style diet. In fact, the landmark 2013 PREDIMED study, which followed more than 7,000 people, revealed that people enjoying a Mediterranean diet rich in olive oil and nuts presented a significant risk. lower to undergo a major cardiovascular event, such as a heart attack or stroke.

In a world of fad diets and quick strategies, this research reinforces one of the easiest ways to improve heart health, overall health and longevity: Eat more plants.


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