Lower Hudson Valley Restaurant Dinners Exposed to Hepatitis


Guests at a popular restaurant located in the Hudson Valley, in a popular restaurant, may have been exposed to a highly contagious disease that attacks the liver.

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On Monday, the Westchester County Health Department confirmed that an employee of Winston Restaurant was working at the Northern Westchester restaurant while he was infected with hepatitis A.

Anyone who was at Mount Kisco from April 17 to May 1 was exposed to hepatitis A, health officials warned.

The Westchester County Health Department offers free preventive treatment to anyone who has visited the restaurant during this time. However, the treatment only works if it is administered within two weeks of the day of exposure. ABC reports.

This means that some exposed people can no longer benefit from effective treatment. If you were at the restaurant on Tuesday, April 23, you must get treatment on Tuesday, May 7.

If you were at Winston Restaurant between April 17th and 21st, you should contact your doctor immediately, health officials said.

You should only be treated if you have not received a vaccine against hepatitis A or an infection with hepatitis A.

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Hepatitis A is a highly contagious disease that attacks the liver, according to the New York State Department of Health. It is spread through the fecal-oral route by putting something in your mouth, even though it may look clean, which has been contaminated by the stool of a person with hepatitis A; by close contact person to person; or by eating or drinking contaminated food or water.

Symptoms include fever, jaundice (yellowing of the skin), fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea, abdominal discomfort, and dark urine.

Winston Restaurant would work with health officials and remain closed until the staff and restaurant have been inspected.

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