Maine reports 287 new cases of COVID-19, highest daily total since mid-May


Maine on Wednesday reported 287 new cases of COVID-19, the highest daily total since mid-May, and health officials expect to see higher numbers in the coming days.

“I don’t have a metaphor, I don’t have a turn of phrase. I’ll be frank with everyone: I’m worried, ”Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention director Dr. Nirav Shah said at a press briefing Tuesday.

Two more deaths were also reported on Wednesday, one in Cumberland County, the other in Franklin County. The man and woman were both over 70 years old.

The seven-day daily average of cases rose to 175, according to CDC data. This is an increase from 149 cases on average two weeks ago and 61 cases around the same time last month. The positivity rate, or the percentage of all tests that come back positive, rose again to 4.5%, from around 3.5% two weeks ago.

At its lowest point in early July, the state’s positivity rate fell to 0.45%. It has been climbing since then. Some states have rates that exceed 10 percent or more.

Shah explained that he expects big numbers in the coming days as his staff have had 1,700 positive test results in the past 36 hours which must be examined to determine how many were indeed new cases. The volume of testing has increased dramatically in recent weeks as the Delta variant ravaged the state, from 258 tests per 100,000 people two weeks ago to 333 tests per 100,000 now.

“The Delta isn’t just the predominant variant in Maine, it’s the variant in Maine, ”he said. “It’s a concern. Delta is more contagious and can lead to more serious illness, which can lead to higher death rates. “

Amid the surge in cases, vaccinations have also increased in recent weeks. Gov. Janet Mills announced Wednesday that, based on U.S. CDC data, 80% of all eligible residents of Maine have received at least one dose of Pfizer or Moderna vaccine or the single-dose version of Johnson & Johnson. Seven other states have reached this milestone, including every New England state.

However, Maine’s high vaccination rate was not enough to prevent the recent increase. With the addition of the new cases on Wednesday, 15 of Maine’s 16 counties are now high or substantial transmission, which means at least 50 cases per 100,000 people in the last seven-day period. This means that masks are recommended indoors for everyone, regardless of vaccination status, everywhere except Sagadahoc County.

Penobscot County has the highest transmission rate in Maine over the past seven days, followed closely by York County.

Since the start of the pandemic, there have been 74,309 confirmed or probable cases of COVID-19, 2,259 hospitalizations and 926 deaths. Despite the recent spike, Maine continues to have one of the lowest infection and death rates in the country, reflecting how badly things have gone elsewhere.

The number of people hospitalized on Wednesday rose to 125, the highest total since mid-May. Of these, 60 are in intensive care and 27 on ventilators. Hospitalizations have jumped nearly 150% in Maine in the past two weeks, and health officials said at least 75% of those hospitalized had not been vaccinated. Shah also explained that vaccinated people who end up being hospitalized almost always have another serious underlying health problem.

The recent increase in immunization rates can be attributed to both the rise and the rise in the number of employee mandates. The number of shots administered per day increased by 35 percent last week compared to the previous week. From Sunday August 8 to Saturday August 14, the state delivered 1,635 shots per day. From Aug. 15 to 21, that rose to 2,209 doses per day, according to the CDC.

Overall, 836,856 people received either a second dose of Pfizer or Moderna vaccine or the Johnson & Johnson vaccine in one dose. This represents 62.3% of all Mainers and 70.7% of eligible ages 12 and over.

Despite the increase, disparities in vaccination rates remain between southern and coastal counties and rural northern counties. Cumberland County’s vaccination rate is highest at 83 percent of those eligible. Three counties – Piscataquis, Somerset and Franklin – have yet to reach 60 percent.

The state has also struggled to persuade young adults in some areas to get vaccinated. Among 20-39 year olds in Cumberland County, the vaccination rate is 74 percent. No other county has reached 60 percent, and only 38 percent of Somerset County residents in this age range have been vaccinated.

On Monday, the United States Food and Drug Administration fully approved the vaccine produced by Pfizer, likely opening the door to additional vaccination mandates by companies, schools and governments across the country. The vaccines produced by Moderna and Johnson & Johnson currently have emergency use clearance from the FDA and are under review for full approval.

Federal authorities have also cleared booster shots of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines for individuals starting next month, and an additional dose of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine may soon be cleared as well.

Maine has updated its rules for healthcare workers to include obtaining a COVID-19 vaccine as a condition of employment. The move was pushed back by some groups, including emergency medical service personnel, who this week passed their own rule that narrows the scope of the CDC rule.

Shah said he was disappointed with the EMS board’s decision, which would allow unvaccinated people more time to get vaccinated and exempt some employees who do not interact with patients.

“I recognize that there have been those who have expressed concern about the timing,” he said. “But COVID-19 vaccines are free, easy to get, and available today. I’ll be blunt with everyone: There’s no reason anyone in Maine, health care provider or not, can’t go out today or tomorrow and get their COVID-19 shot. “

Shah also said that asking medical professionals to take certain actions is nothing new. He said vaccination requirements for other diseases have been around for 20 years.

“You wouldn’t want to go to a hospital where your healthcare professional might accidentally give you something like hepatitis,” he said.

In addition, Shah said, of the 21 open epidemics under investigation by the state right now, nine are in health care facilities.

“This is further proof of why immunizing our frontline health workers is more important than ever before,” he said.

As the state braces for an even larger increase in new cases, Shah acknowledged the frustration many felt.

“Worries about breakthrough cases among vaccines, as well as concerns about children, have clouded our ability to assess our own risk on a day-to-day basis,” he said. “Just as we were all starting to venture out into the world, kissing, eating, laughing and enjoying the same airspace that many of us couldn’t have had. I just want to acknowledge that in some ways the Delta chapter of the pandemic saga is more confusing than ever.

“Here’s what hasn’t changed: People who have been vaccinated remain safer than they have been in the past year and a half, and those who are not vaccinated may be at even greater risk than they were not in March 2020. “

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