2018 World Cup: Colombian players who missed the penalty shootout against England receive death threats from their angry fans


The Colombians called for calm last night after two players who missed the penalty shootout against England were insulted and threatened by furious fans on social networks.

Messages against Mateus Uribe and Carlos Bacca appeared in a few minutes. (19659003) Uribe's penalty hit the crossbar while Bacca's attempt was saved by England goalkeeper Jordan Pickford

Jordan Pickford stops Carlos Bacca the penalty shooting (Getty)

The messages, mainly intended for Bacca, that the fans thought they had taken the worst penalty, warned the players that they were "dead", urged them to kill themselves and told them not to return to the South American country.

The grim messages were made despite a police investigation into the premature death threats made to Colombian player Carlos Sanchez after he was deported three minutes after the opening match of the World Cup against Japan

. The 24th anniversary of the death of Andres Escobar, who was shot dead after his own goal was blamed for sending Colombia back to the 1994 World Cup.

Mateus Uribe reacts after missed to score a penalty to England goalkeeper Jordan Pickford ( AFP / Getty Images)

A Twitter user, David Castaneda, warned: "Die Carlos Bacca, son of a bitch, nobody wants you, gonorrhea, in this country you do not come back."

Another, Jhon Duqueismo, wrote: "Thanks to all the players except three times son of a bitch, useless, dead, Carlos Bacca, do not come back here."

HumorFPCosky wrote: "I hate you Carlos Bacca, I hate you all, I hate your indifference, your animal name and the game of your ass.You are worse than a cancer, at least with cancer, you can see a doctor and find out what you have.

"Carlos Bacca, depress yourself and kill yourself, so you do not continue to live this agony." [19659015] Colombia players react after losing a penalty shootout against England (EPA)

Patricio wrote: "Uribe, you're a piece of s ***, I hope you die."

Another user, INFINITO wrote: "It was the last game of Mateus Uribe, this man is already dead." 19659002] Wilson.Gomes wrote: "Get out of the country where the drug cartels will eat you alive, you DISGRACE"

A Twitter user, victorzamo01, wrote: "Bastard Baccard I hope you die."

Another, Amro_maldini posted a photo of drug lord Pablo Escobar on Carlos Bacca's Twitter account and the words "you are next"

ITV pundits celebrate after the England beat Colombia in World Cup 16th clash

But other Colombian fans have expressed their shock in the face of cruel messages.

Brayan Sanchez wrote: "I do not wish the death of Bacca and Uribe.Do we want to repeat what happened to Andres Escobar? Is it Colombia? The games are won and lost, we we are a real country. "

Another, Lois Lane, said:" The anniversary of the death of Andres Escobar and you call for the death of Bacca.I'm sorry, I can not stand these people, get out of my timeline. "

And MoreJuanSe wrote," Now they start insulting and threatening Uribe and Bacca.Yesterday was the 24th anniversary of the death of Andres Escobar, s & # 39, please, please! Let's learn how to lose too. "

Escobar, 27, was shot dead by a gangster 10 days after his mistake against the United States brought Colombia out of the World Cup in the United States. England


Hours before the clash with England in Moscow, Escobar's brother, Sachi, has expressed his fears that another player may be killed if Colombia failed to move to the quarterfinals, warning that the country "had not learned the lessons" from the tragedy. He said: "I want to send an important message to those who think that things can be solved with violence, and with weapons, that they can take someone 's life just because they are not. they make a mistake, in this case the life of a football player.

"Football should be a vehicle for peace and social transformation, and in the end, it's just a game

"But I really hope that, if Colombia has not met those expectations, then the tragedy that has happened to my brother is not repeated." God forbids this to happen again.

England manager Gareth Southgate celebrates with Englishman Eric Dier after scoring the winning penalty (PA)

And he said death threats made against Sanchez: "As a brother who went through this, I know what must be going on in their head, and I would not want anyone to pass through that

"Carlos must be both sad about the mistake he made and very frightened, as well as his family.

"My brother never received any threats, they shot him in the most cowardly way.People still have the right to say these things on social networks, even to threaten him of death … shows me that nothing good has come out of the death of Andres, nothing has been learned.

"These people are only real Colombian football fans , who should be arrested and thrown in jail. "

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