& # 39; Ghostbusters & # 39; gets a game of Go-Like Pokemon called 'Ghostbusters World & # 39; – Comic Con 2018


Alternate Reality games have always been one thing, but after Pokemon Go became a cultural phenomenon, they became the new hotness and just about everyone wanted to find a way to turn their property into an AR game. However, I did not expect to see the treatment being "ghostbusters".

And this is not that the idea does not make sense. Ghost hunting in real places seems to be the most natural way to make a Ghostbusters game. The game was announced earlier this year and a few months ago, some gameplay footage was released, but I think for many people this thing was flying under the radar. It was definitely for me. So when I saw the giant Stay Puft Marshmallow Man trailing in Petco's car park and carrying a sign reading "Ghostbusters World", I just had to know what it was all about.

As far as I know, this seemed like the first big public release for the game and so they had brought in a nice set-up where people could come in and have a chance to demo the game. In the gameplay images that you can see below, it is pretty clear on what elements of Pokemon Go this game has taken the influence. You walk around and find ghosts in nature, then with your proton pack you try to weaken the ghosts so you can trap them. You have different levels of proton packs that you can work with and that provide different levels of power. All this is very similar to the initial configuration of Pokemon Go, just exchange different types of proton packets with different types of Pokeballs.

However, the game is trying to add a little flair to its formula to help give fans who have been burned on Pokemon Go a reason to try this one. On the one hand, there will be a story mode written by the guys who worked on the comic book IDW "Ghostbusters". This is enough to make me consider trying. Then there are other features like multiplayer and PVP elements.

Everything seems fine, but what will ultimately be the deciding factor for me is how they will handle monetization. These games need to earn money and so I am good with some sort of buy option, but if I can not play without investing deeply in the game, then I'm out. I guess we'll just have to wait and see how it goes. For now, watch the gameplay and the images below.

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Photos of Carmen Zapata

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