Ministry to review the vaccine against dengue – Nation


KUALA LUMPUR: The Ministry of Health will review Dengvaxia – the world's first dengue vaccine – after a controversy that has caused deaths and worsened the disease in the Philippines.

Even though Malaysia is showing a downward trend in dengue cases and deaths in the last two years, Vice Minister of Health Lee Boon Chye said the government is still waiting for the results of the search on Dengvaxia. the vaccine would be beneficial.

"We are not only trying to reduce dengue cases, but we need to look at this in terms of cost-effectiveness," he told reporters at the third dengue summit in Asia.

"We will examine Dengvaxie."

Developed by the French company Sanofi Pasteur, its use in the Philippines, which had vaccinated more than 700,000 children with the vaccine since 2016, was suspended.

those who had never been infected with dengue fever could develop a more severe case if they received the vaccine and had a subsequent infection.

The Philippines is among the countries, including Mexico, El Salvador, Brazil, Singapore and Costa Rica, where Dengvaxia In December 2017, the Director General of the Ministry of Health, Datuk, Dr. Noor Hisham Abdullah, stated that the vaccine was not part of the national immunization program and that it was not available in the country's health facilities.

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