As a Market Value of Toronto Dominion Bk Ont (TD), 1832 LP Trimmed Holding Asset Management


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Stock Market Trends


July 7, 2018 – By Richard Conner

  The Toronto-Dominion Bank (NYSE: TD) Logo "title =" The Toronto-Dominion Bank (NYSE: TD) Logo "style =" float: left; margin: 4px 10px 10px 0px;

1832 Asset Management Lp reduced its interest in Toronto Dominion Bk Ont (TD) by 6.67% based on its last SEC filings in 2018Q1. The stock held 18.15 million shares of the commercial bank at the end of the first quarter of 2018, or $ 1.03 billion, compared with 19.44 million at the end of the previous quarter. The Lp management company, which had been investing for several months in Toronto Dominion Bk Ontario, seems less optimistic than the market capitalization company of $ 109.14 billion, an increase of 0.59% or $ 0.34 over the course of the year. the last trading session, reaching $ 57.97. The Toronto-Dominion Bank (NYSE: TD) has grown 24.15% since July 7, 2017. It outperformed the S & P500 Index by 11.58%

1832 Asset Management Lp, which manages approximately $ 36.47 billion and 27.14 billion US dollars. Long portfolio, upp its stake in Ventas Inc. (NYSE: VTR) by 77,200 shares to 220,500 shares, valued at $ 10.97 million in 2018T1, depending on the deposit. It also increased its stake in Progressive Corp. Ohio (NYSE: PGR) by 1.43 M shares during the quarter, for a total of 2.97 million shares, and increased its stake in PPL Corp. (NYSE) : PPL).

Analysts wait for the Toronto-Dominion Bank (NYSE: TD) to announce its earnings on August 30. They expect earnings per share of $ 1.24, up 8.77% or $ 0.10 from $ 1.14 last year. TD's profit will be $ 2.33 billion for 11.69 P / E if earnings per share of $ 1.24 become a reality. After real-world EPS of $ 1.27 reported by the Toronto-Dominion Bank for the previous quarter, Wall Street now expects a negative EPS growth of -2.36%.

Most Recent The Toronto-Dominion Bank (NYSE: TD) news was published by: who published: "The Federal Reserve opposes Deutsche Bank USA's Return Capital Plan" June 28, 2018, also with their article: "3 Best Canadian Equity for New TFSA Investors" published on July 04, 2018, published: "Banknotes: KeyCorp's Closing Plan Strikes Greater Philadelphia "on June 25, 2018. More interesting news on The Toronto-Dominion Bank (NYSE: TD) was published by: and its article:" Ranking of the 5 largest banks in Canada by growth potential of one year "published on July 06, 2018, as well as the article titled: The Toronto-Dominion Bank (TSX: TD) forecast should prompt investors to prepare for the worst" with date of publication: 03 July 2018.

Cover of Toronto-Dominion Bank (NYSE: TD) ratings

Of 2 analysts covering Toronto-Dominion Bank (NYSE: TD), 2 rated 0, Buy and Sell 0 Custody. Therefore, 100% are positive. The Toronto-Dominion Bank had 2 analyst reports since January 30, 2018 according to SRatingsIntel. The stock's value is "Buy" by Bank of America on Tuesday, Jan. 30.

  Toronto-Dominion Bank Odds Board (NYSE: TD) "title =" Toronto-Dominion Bank Odds Table (NYSE: TD) »/> </p>
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By Richard Conner

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