Junz Wong: Unfounded bird flu viral message – Nation


KOTA KINABALU: A message from WhatsApp claiming an outbreak of bird flu in parts of Sabah is unfounded, said Minister of Agriculture and Food Industries Junz Wong

"Up to Present, the Department of Veterinary Services (DVS) Sabah found The message that warns the public to refrain from eating chicken also claims that many chickens in the Telipok and Papar poultry farms, near to here, died because of the absence of chickens in Tamparuli.However, the Minister of Agriculture and Food Industries of the State, Junz Wong, rejected the allegations, saying that there was no indication of an outbreak of bird flu or chicken disease as circulated in the WhatsApp messages.

Wong said the increase in the number of chicken deaths was due to climate change because the farm is of a guy who is exposed to the elements, said Wong.

He said that it was always prudent to consume properly prepared and cooked chicken right now.

"There is no sign (real) or indication that it is dangerous besides speculation (of such danger)," he said.

He said that the DVS will however make further tests to see if there is an epidemic

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