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- Working on Wall Street tends to bring in a lot of money.
- Salary-comparison website Emolument shared his estimates of average wages and bonuses for Wall Street professionals at Five Different Stages of their Career.
One of the main reasons why many people go to work on Wall Street is that the salary tends to be very good. Here's a glimpse of what aspiring Wall Streeters could do at different stages of their careers.
Business Insider has contacted the Emolument salary comparison website to get a better overview of what Wall Street professionals tend to win. Based on information from 1,236 New York financial professionals, Emolument estimated the average salary and bonuses for Wall Street professionals at analyst, associate, vice president, director, and general manager levels:
< img src = "http://static1.businessinsider.com/image/5b48d35e062a6b1c008b4a5b-1200/comp-by-position.png" border = "0" alt = "/ Andy Kiersz, data of Emolument
As wages increase at a high rate as we progress, premiums increase exponentially, with the average premium for general managers actually exceeding the average salary. Emolument's data set earns a good combined salary of $ 128,000, the general manager makes a very impressive total of $ 827,000, more than six times the average compensation of the analyst.
Crowe contributed to an earlier version of this post [19659010] Join the conversation about this story »
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