Study Reveals How Eczema Can Reduce Quality of Life for Patients | Life


  Whether it is mild or severe, eczema can reduce the quality of life of patients, according to a new study. - AFP pic
Whether it is mild or severe, eczema can reduce the quality of life of people with the disease, according to a new study. NEW YORK, July 17 – New American research has shown that even mild eczema can reduce the quality of life of people with the condition, and some may have an even more severe impact than other chronic diseases such as heart disease, stroke, and heart disease. Diabetes and Hypertension

Performed by researchers in institutions across the United States, this study aimed to examine the effect of eczema, also known as atopic dermatitis. , on the quality of life and the potential burden that it represents for patients. the researchers surveyed 602 adults with eczema, asking them to report characteristic symptoms such as severe itching, redness and excessively dry skin, and completing a questionnaire to assess their quality of life.

Responses showed that itching, reported by 54% of participants, followed by excessive dryness or excessive desquamation (19%) and red or inflamed skin (7%). %).

Sleep Disruption Was a "People with moderate or severe eczema were less likely to report itching or excessive dryness or peeling as their most severe symptoms," added the physician. , 4% of respondents and 8.2% of women. lead author Jonathan I. Silverberg, "A greater proportion of this group reported blisters or bumps, sleep disturbances, pain and open or oozing wounds as their heaviest symptoms." [19659005] "In addition, a high percentage of themselves have a fair overall health (25%) or poor (15%) and report being somewhat (16%) or very (11%) dissatisfied with life compared to those who do not have eczema. "[19659007L'équipeaégalementconstatéquedansl'ensemble513%despersonnesinterrogéesontdéclaréquel'eczémalimitaitgénéralementleurmodedevie391%évitaientlesinteractionssocialesenraisondeleurapparenceet433%indiquaientquecelaaffectaitleursactivitésL'eczémalégerarapportéquel'affectionlimitaitleurmodedevie(345%)affectaitlesactivités(232%)ouconduisaitàéviterlesinteractionssociales(177%)

In addition, the & Eczema had a negative effect on quality "We were not surprised to discover that the symptoms of eczema can lead to mental health disorders and a deterioration in quality of life," explains Luz Fonacier allergist., co-author of the study, however the team added that new and existing treatments may be effective in reducing the severity of symptoms. Allergists can also help patients find the right treatment. [19] 659005] The findings can be found online in Annals of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology the scientific journal of the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI). – AFP-Relaxnews

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