Disney debuts its first VR movie – Cycle – Tech News


Disney is getting its animation on a new medium with Cycle, a film directed by Jeff Gipson, who has worked on Disney movies like Frozen, Zootopia, and Moana.

Walt Disney Animation Studios Begins Its First Virtual Reality (VR) Short Film, Cycles Next Month

Jeff Gipson – Who Was A Lighting Artist About Disney Movies Frozen Zootopia and Moana – and based on his life in Los Angeles, where it is not uncommon to find homes with an empty pool dedicated to skating or freestyle .

Gipson says it's based on his childhood – his time spent with his grandparents and creating memories in their home, and later having to move them to an assisted living.

"We wanted to create a story in this place and be able to have the viewer witness the life that is going on around them." It's an emotional film, expressing the real highs and the low, happy and sad moments of life, "says Gipson

.The film will be presented from August 12 to 16 at Siggraph 2018, the annual gathering of professionals and academics in the industry. Infographics and interactive techniques.

Siggraph participants can view Cycles at the Immersive Pavilion, a new space reserved exclusively for virtual, augmented and mixed reality projects.

Gipson says that pre-viewing the story for the new medium was a challenge as they had to find new ways to storyboard.

His team used a mix of Quill VR painting techniques and motion capture to create scenes and create r scenes for the VR space.

The creators also experimented with the saturation of light and color in the scenes to guide the eyes of the user during the film

"What's cool for virtual reality, c & # 39; is that we are really looking for what it's like to tell stories in this new medium, "says Gipson.

" In VR, you can look anywhere and be really transported in a different world, experience it from different angles, and see every detail. We want viewers to feel alive and emotional, and give them a real cinematic experience.

The production team finished Cycles in four months with about 50 employees as part of a professional development. program at the studio.

For Cycles Gipson also drew on his past life as an architect, having spent many years designing skateparks, and his passion for action sports, including the BMX freestyle.

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