Pressuring kids to try new foods will not stop them from being a tough eater, according to a new study


The battle around the table (or, in fact, any table) is the most familiar to all parents. Sit a child to eat and they will inevitably hate something that is on their plate, but is arguing with them really worth it? Well, a new study has revealed that putting pressure on your kids to try new foods will probably not prevent them from being a tough eater.

The study, conducted by researchers from the University of Michigan, was recently published in the journal Appetite . Researchers focus on answering some key questions about children's eating habits, including the impact on children's weights and difficult dietary habits.

It is not uncommon to see parents at the end of their nerves. categorical not to eat the new offending article of the week. And, often, people shyly apologize for the difficult eating habits of their children – but is it really something to be ashamed of? According to the new study, stress that children eat foods that they do not like is not related to behavioral changes. In fact, according to research findings, put pressure on children to eat food that they do not like and that they eat with difficulty goes hand in hand.

The researchers also found that eating hard had no impact on the weight of the child. "In a nutshell, we found that more than a year of life in early childhood, the weight remained stable on the growth chart if they were difficult or not," Julie Lumeng, director of the UM Center for Human Growth and Development Mott Children's Hospital, explained in a press release for the study.


Lumeng went on to note that the pressure on the children did nothing to help the situation. According to the same press release, she said: "Then we asked if the pressure was causing a decrease in the difficult consumption, and this was not the case. There was no connection between pressure and hard drinking and none of these other results. "

Many parents are frustrated when children refuse to eat certain foods, often turning dinner into a chore.It's all together" eat your peas or sit down at the dinner table up to In bed "treat, but imagine being put in this position yourself.For a child, the body learning on his body is incredibly important, as he learned to do choice.

Give children the opportunity to "build respect, strengthen community, invite cooperation, develop problem-solving skills." a healthy way of interacting with a normal human need for a certain level of power and control, as described by Psychology Today This is not to say that parents must let their children eat only a heap of sugar and junk food. Psychology Today suggests, for example, giving children choices without overwhelming them.


"One night at dinner, my mother served my two sisters, but she served me carrots. She said to me with such kindness: "I serve you carrots because you do not like peas." I felt very much loved and respected, and I will always remember that she has said that, "Lumeng told the press.

This anecdote helps to highlight some ways in which parents can approach food, which will not frustrate both parties involved.


The researchers found that, more than anything, squeezing the tough eaters was damaging the child. They also noted how we are taught to treat children, forgetting that the taste is a bit hard and beyond our control at any age. who does not like it.

Parents can try to involve children in meal-related tasks, including choosing foods that they will eat, this is a great way for parents to rebuild and strengthen That relation. "Involving your child in weekly tasks related to food and menus is one way to get them interested in healthy foods," About Kids Health said. "Children tend to eat better when they have a say, no matter how small, in family meals."

Children can still be difficult eaters, but hey, we all have our preferences. And at least this way, the meal time can become pleasant again instead of a long and constant battle.

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