Robyn returns with a teaser video and a special message to her fans


Robyn published a trailer titled Missing U with a heartwarming message to his fans about his official return later this year.

The seven-minute video highlights the loyal fanbase who uses Robyn's music to celebrate diversity, self-esteem, and grief. Fans of hardcore could not be more excited for the release of the new single and Robyn herself strongly anticipated his own return to music in 2018.

Swedish pop icon New single From Robyn, Missing U, will debut August 1, on BBC Radio 1's Annie Mac as the "World's Hottest Record".

You can hear the story and a quick overview of the new track at the end of his career. cathartic mini-documentary, highlighting her growth and how much she "missed" her fans.

This will be the first insight into Robyn's new music since she released her hit album Body Talk in 2010. Prior to that, Robyn collaborated with artists such as ] Röyksopp in 2014 with single Do It Again as well as The Magic Bagatelle & # 39; s Love is free and M. Tophat with whom she collaborated last year

In February, Robyn mentions a tour for the upcoming release and that the album will present more pieces " sweet "than what she pulled out before.

"The process of making this album was very, very different from anything I've done before, I felt very raw when I started making this album."

This first song officially falls tomorrow and we could not be more excited for our return of the favorite Swedish mother of pop

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