Study: We underestimate the power of a thank you note


After this great interview, we can go home and vaguely think of a follow-up with a message of thanks. But then our fears become troublesome. Would that be too excessive? Would they even worry? We worry, preventing us from following the plan. But a new study published in Psychological Science concludes that we underestimate the power of a message of thanks to our detriment.

When Amit Kumar and Nicholas Epley of the University of Chicago recruited participants to write thanks. you notice by e-mail to someone who has positively changed his life, they found that participants underestimated the positive effect that their message would have on the recipient, and overestimated how the recipients would feel the message. In fact, the recipients appreciated and said they were very happy to get these little letters of gratitude.

"A poor assessment of the positive impact of social connections on oneself or others could prevent people from being sufficiently prosocial for their own well-being. "Conclude Kumar and Epley." Expressing gratitude might not buy everything, but he can buy more than people seem to expect. "

Why You Should Always Send a Thank You Note

A simple word of thanks is a "powerful act of civility," the researchers write. But we let the worries of social awkwardness hinder. Age and gender did not make any difference, whether or not you underestimated the power of gratitude. During the experiments, the participants seemed too worried that sending a thank-you note unexpectedly was not welcome.

For participants who were worried "What will I actually write?", They underestimated Friendly and knowledgeable, the recipient would see them write a letter of gratitude less than perfect

"The first thoughts that may come to the minds of people when they decide to express their gratitude – their ability to express their gratitude with skill – may be The researchers wrote: [19659002TakingthetimetonoteathankyounotedoesnotcostyouanythingbuttherewardwillbegreatDonotworryaboutgettingtherightletterIfyouaresincereaboutyourmessageofgratitudeitislikelytobeagoodideatobeappreciated

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