Satanists want to sue Netflix for allegedly ripping off their goat-headed god statue in ‘Sabrina’ – Lifestyle


  • The Satanic Temple says it will sue over the depiction of a goat-headed occult deity in Netflix’s new show “The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina.”
  • The church accuses the show of infringing on its “intellectual property” over its statue of Baphomet.
  • They argue that it looks similar to its own “wholly original” design for its own statue.
  • It also accuses the show of playing on “Satanic Panic,” rather than trying to understand sincere Satanists.
  • Sabrina gets her powers from Satan in the show, but she views him as an evil figure and vows to fight him.

A leading Satanic organization is suing over the statue of a goat-headed occult deity in Netflix’s new show “The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina” as it claims the show “appropriated” their monument.

A statue of the Satanic deity Baphomet sits in the center of the supernatural school attended by Sabrina, a young witch, in the series. The statue is in the background of many scenes.

The statue of Baphomet at the centre of the witchcraft school in

The statue of Baphomet at the centre of the witchcraft school in “The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina.”


Lucien Greaves, co-founder and spokesperson for The Satanic Temple, wrote on Twitter that the organization was taking legal action over the show “appropriating our copyrighted monument.”

He told Broadly that his group’s depiction of Baphomet is “wholly original,” and that he views it as a knock-off.

The church temporarily erected its statue at the foot of the State Capitol in Arkansas in August to protest against a monument of the Ten Commandments on the ground, arguing that there should not be exclusively Christian religious displays on public property.

The Satanic Temple unveiled its statue of Baphomet at a rally for the first amendment in Arkansas in August.

The Satanic Temple unveiled its statue of Baphomet at a rally for the first amendment in Arkansas in August.

(AP Photo/Hannah Grabenstein)

Photos shared on Instagram by The Satanic Temple also show the design of their monument.

“It’s deeply problematic to us,” Greaves told SFGate. But, he said, “even if that wasn’t the case we’d be obligated to make a copyright claim because that’s how copyright works.”

Greaves said on Twitter that the show uses the monument to “promote their asinine Satanic Panic fiction.”

Characters in “Sabrina” derive their powers from Satan, whom they call the “Dark Lord.” The show presents Sabrina as one of only a few characters in the witching world who is uncomfortable with submitting to Satan, and she vows to fight him.

In another tweet, Greaves alleges that the show appropriated the church’s “intellectual property.”

I’m amazed that anybody is confused as to why we would seek legal remedy over Sabrina using our monument,” Greaves wrote.

“Would they be as understanding of a fictional show that used a real mosque as the HQ of a terrorist cell? A fictional Blood Libel tale implicating real world Jews?”

He told Broadly that the church’s lawyers “sent a letter informing the show that they have violated our copyright in using our own central image as an icon for some evil cannibalistic cult.

“Obviously, the nature of the copyright violation could be considered defamatory.”

The Satanic Temple says that its mission is to “encourage benevolence and empathy among all people, reject tyrannical authority, advocate practical common sense and justice, and be directed by the human conscience to undertake noble pursuits guided by the individual will.”

It is distinct from the Church of Satan, which says that The Satanic Temple members are “not Satanists.”

It calls The Satanic Temple “a self described ‘Yes Men’ styled satire/activist group that uses satanic-themed imagery and language to get media and public attention.”

INSIDER has contacted Netflix for comment.

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