Australian cooking program ‘Good Chef Bad Chef’ just bad after nasi lemak faux pas


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Still with me?

Great — now let’s break down Adrian’s version.

First of all he starts with some nice, fatty back bacon, for flavor. We’re not sure where this is going, but he made mention that it wasn’t a “traditional” Malaysian flavor in the dish. No Adrian, it’s not. Most Malaysians are Muslim, and many don’t eat pork. Nasi lemak is actually the great unifier in our multi-cultural nation, and something we joke among ourselves that we can all enjoy and agree upon. You may have missed that nuance, buddy.

Moving on. He instructs home cooks to then start chopping vegetables — like lots of them. There’s onion, garlic, ginger, some snow peas, red pepper, and chili. All of it goes into the frying pan with the pork. Confused? So were we.


Wait though, he has the rice ready and informs viewers that it’s just old rice, “from a takeaway you put in the fridge.”

The blasphemy right here, people. Desperately searching for a meme to express our emotions … Oh yes, here it is:

Finishing off, he mixed scrambled eggs into the frying pan, which on a regular day would bum us out since we appreciate a soft yolk, but today Satan, we’ll let you have it.

There you go, folks at home: Nasi lemak, except totally not. Hey wait, it’s served on a banana leaf! That’s Malaysian, right?

Commentators and culinary luminaries didn’t take too kindly to the redux, and tried to contextualize just how wrong the Aussie chef had it:

However, in the sea of hate, we managed to find two fans:

The post Australian cooking program ‘Good Chef Bad Chef’ just bad after nasi lemak faux pas appeared first on Coconuts.

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