Study connects longevity to number of neurons rather than body size | Life


Different cells in the body, which are constantly being replenished, neurons in the cortex are thought to be an individual's lifetime. - AFP pic
Different cells in the body, which are constantly being replenished, neurons in the cortex are thought to be an individual's lifetime. – AFP pic

NEW YORK, Nov. 1 – A recent study published in the Journal of Comparative Neurology connects the number of neurons in the brain to how long humans and other warm-blooded animals live, and when they reach sexual maturity.

Could it be that humans live longer than gorillas because humans have more neurons? A study led by Suzana Herculano-Houzel, associate professor of psychology and biological sciences at Vanderbilt University, suggests that the number of neurons in the cerebral cortex could determine longevity and sexual maturity.

Neurons vs body size

Herculano-Houzel examined more than 700 warm-blooded animal species. She compared records of their longevity with data on the number of neurons in each species' brains and saw a pattern emerge.

Certain species of birds live longer than primates of the same size, which in their turn live longer than non-primate mammals of similar size. Therefore, contrary to what is often assumed, it appears that the size of a species does not determine how long it lives.

The same species of birds also takes a larger size than a similar size.

Human longevity and maturity

In this light, contrary to some assumptions, humans do not have an uncommonly long childhood and adolescent period. Instead, this period is proportional to the number of neurons in the human cerebral cortex.

According to Herculano-Houzel, given the number of neurons in the human cortex, the time is just right. For instance, they live longer than gorillas – which are larger animals – because the human brain contains more neurons.

Connecting the cortex and longevity

Different cells in the body, which are constantly being replenished, neurons in the cortex are thought to be an individual's lifetime. When a neuron is damaged, it is not replaced. Since the cortex is directly linked to the body's adaptability and the way in which it is interfered with, the neurons are damaged, the body's functionality is reduced and longevity is reduced.

Take care of your mind

The cortex plays a direct role in emotions, stress management, etc. and aging starts from teens. The study of mental health care for the elderly and the elderly. – AFP-Relaxnews

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