Expert Tips To Help You Grow Your Best Mustache Movember


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Facial hair is in vogue right now. Not only does a beard or mustache look slick as hell, but the face fuzz can also work wonders for softening dominant jawlines and show off another side to your personality. Each November, Movember encourages men around the world to get their Tom Selleck on and grow a mustache. Raising funds for prostate and testicular cancer research, mental health, and suicide prevention, the campaign is important for increasing awareness of men's health issues.

If this is your first time, then we are here to help you through the month-long event with grooming and self-care tips from professionals who know their mo from their hell-no.

You never know, you may feel inclined to continue the 'stache past November.

Photo: Rainer Holz (Getty Images)

Choose A Style

Perhaps your biggest dilemma throughout the year will be deciding on a style. "Bear in mind your desired shape and style as a guide," Simon Shaw, global artistic director at Wahl, tells Mandatory.

So, get some inspiration from the latest celebrity 'staches (hi, Chris Hemsworth) and see what you want to love for.

Brave It Out

The first few days will be weird, especially if you're growing up to be stache for the first time. Resist the urge to itch and try to be too self-conscious as it starts to take shape. It will work out in the end. Just remember that you're doing it for a good cause.

Photo: Cavan Images (Getty Images)

Treat It To Some TLC

This should be done, but keep your eyes closed and clean as soon as possible. A bit of TLC can go a long way. "Says Simon Duffy, founder of Bulldog Skincare," Your facial hair requires different care for your hair, so opt for a cleansing specialist. "Remember to cleanse, comb, and trim it regularly."

Shaw seconds this and insists you have a good time. Beard oils, shampoos, and conditioners will be used to ensure that you will be able to enjoy your dreams.

Keep It Natural

Bulldog (which is also vegan-friendly), as these will feel and smell extra fresh. If you have dry or sensitive skin, look for such as aloe vera, camelina oil, green tea, and argan oil.

Photo: Akash Singh / EyeEm (Getty Images)

Express Yourself

Last but most certainly not least, make sure that you work for the world. Shaw says, "A mustache or beard can be a way for men to express themselves as individuals." So, "grow forth" and express yourself!

Will you participate in Movember? If so, what are your tips and tricks for growing out an impressive 'stache? Let us know in the comments!

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