5 reasons you unconsciously attract abusive relationships instead of healthy people (without even knowing it) | Lotus Jade


Uh-oh …

You thought it would be different this time. Really, you did it. But you are again experiencing a series of emotionally abusive relationships. As has happened before, you may be wondering if this is something you have done that has led to this emotional abuse.

Why can not you attract healthy relationships instead of toxic relationships?

Abusive relationships, in which you are a victim, are an easy cycle to put in place. You may be in a toxic relationship where you feel stuck and disrespected. Or maybe you realize that you are passing from one person to another while still feeling badly treated.

It may be difficult to recognize the signs of emotional abuse, but your role as a victim of emotionally abusive relationships with men or women probably began with the parent figure of the genre you are drawn to.

Since the parent-child relationship involves such a power imbalance, it is easy to develop a dynamic of violence from an early age, even if you have not been raised by emotionally violent parents.

RELATED: 11 signs of emotional abuse in relationships – and how abusers try to use them against you if you leave

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