9 myths you should know about the BRCA tests, Business Insider


BRCA is a blood test that tests for breast cancer susceptibility genes.

BRCA is a blood test that tests for breast cancer susceptibility genes.
EmiliaUngur / Shutterstock

By now, the name Mary-Claire King and her groundbreaking scientific accomplishment with the BRCA1 gene should resonate with many. Although testing began over 20 years ago, it has only been in the past few years. But what exactly is the BRCA test (Breast Cancer test)?

According to the Mayo Clinic, the BRCA test is a blood test that uses DNA analysis to identify breast cancer susceptibility genes (BRCA1 and BRCA2). Those who have inherited these genes have a higher risk than most of getting breast and ovarian cancer.

Even though there are still plenty of people who have not heard of it. And, for those who have heard of it, there are many more misinterpretations of what the test does, what it means, and who should get it.

If you're one of the two people mentioned above, here are a few debunked myths – and a bit of information – about the BRCA test that you'll want to keep handy.

Myth: The test will tell you if you'll get cancer.

A positive test does not mean you will get cancer.

Dr. Talya Miron-Shatz – social psychologist, co-founder and CEO of My Way and Buddy & Soul – told INSIDER that unfortunately, it will not.

"One of the things they did not like about BRCA was when they did not realize what the presence of the gene means," she said. "It dramatically raises the odds of developing breast cancer, but it is very important that they test the cancer with cancer." Obviously, no such certainty exists. "

Myth: The test will tell you what to do if you have the gene.

Though we would like to think that the BRCA test is similar to a career test and will tell us what we should do, but it is not really the purpose of the test. And according to Dr. Miron-Shatz, that is more common than you think.

"Likewise, a third of the women said it was very important for them that the test would tell them what to do if they have the gene," said Miron-Shatz. "Obviously, no test can do that. In fact, no healthcare professional would know what to do in the medical field, where the medical outcomes are often very similar. "

Read more: How Angelina Jolie's mutant gene can cause cancer

Myth: There's no need to worry about breast cancer if you test negative.

A majority of women with breast cancer do not test BRCA-positive.
Jim Bourg / Reuters

Dr. Constance Chen – board-certified plastic surgeon and breast reconstruction specialist – told INSIDER that misinterpretation that many women have about the BRCA test is that they are completely safe if they test negative. It's completely untrue though.

"Over 90% of women who develop breast cancer do not have hereditary breast cancer," Chen said. "Instead, over 90% of women who develop BRCA-negative but they develop breast cancer due to spontaneous mutations and environmental factors. At the end of the day, the biggest risk factor for breast cancer is having breasts. "

Myth: The BRCA Test is only needed for women because they do not get breast cancer.

Men can get breast cancer.

Since many stories that you hear about breast cancer, you can be sure that it is safe to be safe. Due to this, men may think that the BRCA test does not apply to them, but that is absolutely false.

"Men can get breast, prostate, and pancreatic cancer, which they are at higher risk for with the BRCA mutation," Dr. Chen said. "In addition, men can pass on the BRCA mutation to their children, so they can help inform the rest of the family about their own cancer risk."

Myth: Things are not going to be positive if you test positive for the BRCA Test.

It does, however, increase your risk.
T P / Shutterstock

Testing positive for the BRCA test can be of concern to the patient and their family, but Dr. Chen told INSIDER that it is not possible that it's a guarantee that you'll get cancer.

"A positive BRCA test significantly increases the risk of breast, ovarian, and other cancers, but it does not guarantee the development of cancer," she said. "About 12% of women in the general population will develop breast cancer sometime in their lifetime, and women with a BRCA mutation may increase their risk."

Myth: If you've been previously diagnosed with cancer, the BRCA test is not necessary.

The BRCA test can teach you a lot about cancer.
Justin Sullivan / GettyImages

If you've had a previous experience with the BRCA test, it should not be completely eliminated because of your journey.

"Knowing your BRCA status may influence your treatment options if you have already been diagnosed with cancer," Chen told INSIDER. "It can also help you become aware of other cancers to look out for. Finally, it can help your family learn about their risks for developing cancer. "

Myth: You can not get the test if your insurance does not cover it.

There are options for people who can not afford BRCA tests.
Getty Images / Christopher Furlong

One of the biggest myths that surround the BRCA test – and one of the most common reasons why they are not getting them – the insurance companies are not covering it. According to Chen, however, this is not true.

"BRCA testing is covered by most insurance plans," she said. "BRCA testing for patients who qualify."

Myth: There is no risk of cancer because there is no family history of it.

Family history is not the only factor when it comes to breast cancer.

According to Dr. Robert Segal, co-founder of LabFinder.com, many people have avoided the BRCA tests because they believe they are exempt from being diagnosed with cancer.

"The most common myth is if they do not have any family history of cancer, so they do not need to get tested because they are not at risk," he said. "In reality, 47% of women with BRCA-mutated cancer did not have any family history of cancer."

Myth: You should only pay attention to the history of your mother's side.

The BRCA gene can be passed down from the father.
Flickr / Peter Werkman

Since many people think that they are only likely to be cancer-free. Dr. Segal told INSIDER, however, that this is actually a false way to think.

"Another big misconception about the BRCA test is that one should only look at the maternal side of your family," Dr. Segal. "The BRCA genes can be passed down from either the mother or the father, which means that both men and women should get tested."

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