A 2-year-old Chinese boy, diagnosed HIV-positive after an apple alert, spends 6 weeks in intensive care – ASEAN / East Asia


The highest health authority in China opened an investigation into how a two-year-old boy contracted HIV after being admitted to the hospital for a piece of apple but had to spend six weeks in intensive care.

The incident began late last year when the boy was taken to the Guiyang Maternal and Child Health Hospital in Guiyang, capital of the southern Guizhou Province, Thursday media outlet Thecover.cn reported. hospital, treatment [initial] lasted for about an hour, "the boy's mother, identified only by his last name, Tang, was quoted as saying.

" Then the doctor told us that he was to be admitted to the intensive care unit "

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The report included no comments from the Hospital or medical staff to explain the nature of the original problem or the reason However, the city health authority issued a statement Friday, saying that when the child was admitted to the hospital, In hospital, he "was having difficulty breathing and in critical condition, he was transported to the intensive care unit and treated for 25 days.

Tang said that during this period, in addition to undergoing routine examinations and endoscopy, his son received a blood transfusion. 19659002] "My son also had blood tests while he was in hospital … [but] he was not tested positive for HIV," she said [19659003]. After bringing their son home, Tang and her husband realized that he was still sick and brought him back to Guiyang Hospital, according to the report.

He was immediately sent back to the intensive care unit where he spent two weeks.

It was at this time The boy's parents began to question the treatment their child was receiving and decided to transfer him to another hospital in neighboring Chongqing, according to the report.

Doctors performed a blood test on the child and discovered that he was HIV-positive. Tang and her husband also underwent blood tests but were found not to carry the virus, she said.

The parents then approached the Guiyang Family Health and Family Planning Commission and asked him to investigate. After an examination, the authority stated at the beginning of the month that she had found no problem with the hospital or center that was providing the blood for the transfusion of the child .

Dissatisfied with the conclusion, the parents brought the case before the National Health and Family

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The South China Morning Post spoke Friday at the Guizhou Family Health and Family Planning Commission.

"As the question covers a very wide range [of incidents] the investigation may take about 10 days," says the statement from the health authority of the city: "All 33 medical personnel who was in contact with the child was negative for HIV We also tested blood samples [used for the transfusion] but did not find anything unusual

"We are working with d & # 39; other authorities to determine the source of infection. "

A spokesman for the Guiyang Maternal and Child Health Hospital a fair inquiry by the National Health Commission

" Si c & [the child’s diagnosis] is indeed due to our negligence, we will take responsibility, "he said." But if it is not related to us, please agree we deserve the justice we deserve. "

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