Amazon crushes on Prime Day, threatening $ 3.4 billion US – Tech News

[ad_1] Inc. has launched its big Prime Day sales promotion with technical problems on its site and app, threatening its extravagance of 36-hour sales.

Problem on the site marked the point just at the beginning of the event at 3 pm Eastern time, but dropped significantly in a matter of hours, according to, which monitors the web problems. Buyers had to spend 3.4 billion USD (13.70 billion RM) on Amazon during the promotion, up more than 40 percent from the first day of last year, according to Coresight Research.

"Some customers are having trouble shopping, and we are working to solve this problem quickly," Amazon said on July 16 on Twitter, adding that "many are shopping successfully". The company's stock closed at US $ 1,822.49 (US $ 7,348.10), but it declined by about 1.5% in New York's extensive trading.

The problems were not limited to shopping. Thousands of people said they lost connections with their DAWs Alexa via Echo voice-activated speakers and Prime Video streaming issues, according to Downdetector. Amazon Web Services, the company's cloud computing division, has reported global issues with its AWS Management Console, one of its tools. Thousands of large companies rely on AWS to manage their websites.

"I am sincerely shocked that they are not prepared for traffic," said Forrester analyst Sucharita Kodali. "Unless it's beyond their wildest expectations, it's just strange."

On Monday afternoon, there were 4,670 messages on social media on the first day of the crash. According to Crimson Hexagon, who controls social media feedback, 80% of the online sentiment on Prime Day conveyed anger or sadness.

The magnitude of the problem was not clear and users reported different problems. Some people have seen the notification "Amazon dogs" that the site was not working, while others said that they could add items to their baskets, but the Prime Day Prime price did not work. Was not reflected at the checkout. For some, clicking on various promotions has brought the person back to the home page. And some buyers have reported to have no problem.

The problem is probably a bug in a software update that should be fixed in hours, said Antony Edwards, chief technology officer at Eggplant, who monitors the site's performance. Amazon rarely has trouble managing high volumes of traffic and its security is unlikely to be violated by a hacker, he said.

"Everything we see indicates their content distribution network, which allows them to quickly get product images and videos around the world," Edwards said. "Someone has made a change and this is not compatible."

Consumers have found a way to let off steam on social media.

"Way to go," People could actually buy first-day stuff if your site does not crash.Good planning.Unable to download the application, "wrote Jessica Henning on the Amazon's Facebook Page.

Twitter enlightened with screenshots of Amazon's Prime Day chess, which featured photos of dogs and the words "sorry."

Megan Quinn, General Partner at Spark Capital, tweeted that Amazon's cloud competitors at Google should be thrilled: "Diane Greene is the only person to celebrate up to now Amazon Prime Day", referring to Google's cloud manager

Despite the collapse of the market, the company said it sold more items in the first hour of Prime Day this year than in the first four hours of the event 's. last year and Kodali said that Amazon has all the time to save the day.

"I'm sure they work furiously and that a lot of heads are rolling," she said. "Even Sears was able to save the Black Friday crashes with much smaller teams." – Bloomberg

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