British airports ban powders in carry-on baggage, in line with US and New Zealand security


New restrictions will see all powders limited to just 12 ounces (56 grams) bringing the United Kingdom into line with the measures put in place by New Zealand, Australian and American airports, reports Lara Keay

on Coffee may soon be banned from hand luggage on all flights leaving the UK.

Under new government plans, passengers may be forced to put spices and protein powder in the cargo bay, reports The Times. Strict rules were introduced after a foiled plot to blow up an Etihad flight from Sydney to Abu Dhabi.

The ISIS plot attackers are trying to put an explosive in the plane last July, but they were arrested at the security.

The new British rules will see all powders, which would limit cosmetics and certain foods, restricted to 12 ounces (56 grams).

These rules were introduced 12 years ago as a result of the attacks of 11 September 2001 and other terrorist attacks.

It is feared that the new restrictions will disturb passengers and create long waiting lines.

The British fear that new blue, non-EU passports will wreak havoc on border controls in the United Kingdom and abroad.

Ministry of Transportation Refuses to Comment on Times of London's Revelation of New Restrictions on Hand Baggage

A spokesman told the paper, "It is up to each country to determine its own based on his own assessments. "

Mils Hills, Associate Professor of Risk, Resilience and Corporate Security at the University of Northampton, added," We were lucky that this plot has been disturbed and does not appear to have occurred.

"These additional restrictions, by themselves, are not going to create much disruption to airport security, but they can potentially fuel general public concerns about the safety of the airport. flight safety. "

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