Captain Marvel's Jude Law Reveals Marvel's Intense Security Around His Secret Role


When Captain Marvel in premiere next year, he will present and bring back many popular characters from the comic pages. It will also be the debut of Jude Law in the world of Marvel Cinematic, who will play … we do not know.

Many people assume that Law describes Captain Marvel, the warrior Kree Mar-Vell. Unfortunately, he can neither confirm nor deny these rumors. Law appeared on The end of the show with Stephen Colbert and discussed the intense secrecy surrounding his role in Marvel Studios.

"I thought you were Mar-Vell," said Colbert to his guest. "You are not Mar-Vell."

"I can not tell you who I am, try hard," Law replied.

The actor then talked about the need to keep the spoilers and its intensity between the Fantastic beasts franchise, in which he plays Albus Dumbledore, and in the film world Marvel.

"I think it could be this difference between the US and the UK. Fantastic beaststhey say, "We assume you will not reveal any of these secrets. And if you do, we will tell you not to do it again and we can kill you quietly. & # 39;

"In Marvel, it's like, 'DO NOT F ****** ALWAYS TALK ABOUT IT!"

Law then revealed a story about the production of Captain Marvel, providing an example of the protection that Marvel Studios gets from their movies.

"One guy was hired on the set, I promise you, I'll go out, they'll say," Mr. Law, we're ready for you. "And you would go out in your suit and they would say," LEAVE THE COAT! PUT THE COAT! Hide! PUT THE HOOD! "

"My kids visited the plateau, they were running, they were going to" SIGN NES! "WHO ARE THESE MECS?" It was tight and scary. "

Law co-star Brie Larson also spoke about the secret of Sirius XM. She revealed that many of her colleagues were unaware that she would take on this role until she appeared with them at the Hall H committee of San Diego's Comic-Con.

"I think people, and I do not know, with my very short experience, my main experience was with ComicCon at the time of the announcement, and I was behind the scenes of the waiting area , chatting, "said Larson. "I was out of my mind, like" I'm talking to Tilda Swinton, I'm talking to the new Spider-Man, I'm so amazed. "And all were saying" So, for what movie are you here? Are you as lost, or are you supposed to be in a different room? "I was like" Oh no, I'm like part of that now, surprise! "And no I do not think it says anything about what's going on behind all this is magical, I feel like I'm sinking into this magical hole of mystery and I do not know what's going on past.

We will all learn the secrets of the new Captain Marvel film during his film premiere on March 8th.

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