China Jinjiang Environment Attacks Waste Problem, Companies and Markets


It would not be an exaggeration to say that bridge – one of the most popular card games in the world – is in the blood of Wang Yuanluo.

Bridge enthusiast, the president of China Jinjiang Environment Holding Co. Ltd. his management skills by playing the tactical game, which involves partnerships, auctions, and contracts.

A well-known motto of the game – "the most important skill that a bridge player can possess is to be a good partner" – emphasizes Ms. Wang, who started playing bridge there was almost forty years old thanks to the influence of his father, said: "It is not only about assessing the risks and making the right decisions, but also to work with your team . To achieve a common goal, "she noted

" In bridge, because a weak link can entail the entire team, it is important that all members come together and capitalize on existing strengths. while minimizing weaknesses. It's a key principle in the management of any company and its employees. "

Ms. Wang, 60, is one of the pioneering leaders who built Jinjiang Environment." She served as the group's executive director for 13 years, before assuming the role of president. 2016. Before joining Jinjiang Environment in 2004 as a director, she participated in the management of Green Energy activities of Hangzhou Jinjiang Group. "

Graduate of Sci-Tech University From Zhejiang, he holds a BS degree in silk weaving engineering and a graduate degree in business management from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University.He is also a senior economist Certified by the Zhejiang Province Personnel Department Last year, Ms. Wang won the 2017 China Entrepreneur Award in the Clean Technology Category.

Sense of Mission

"When I entered the i waste management industry I came to see it as a social responsibility and a mission, "she said.

"What motivates me is that the business is not just a bargain. I would not have managed to stay in this industry for so many years or to grow the business to what it is today.

Jinjiang Environment, a forerunner in the energy waste sector in China (WTE), is one of the largest private operators in terms of waste processing capacity.

Listed on SGX Mainboard in August 2016, the group operates 21 WTE 12 provinces, autonomous regions and municipal governments in China, with a current waste handling capacity of 30,980 tonnes per day.

WTE activity includes the construction, operation and / or ownership of municipal solid waste treatment plants. Jinjiang Environment generally enters into long-term service concession agreements with local governments, and offers a range of energy saving and tailor-made waste heat utilization solutions as part of its EMC Division (Energy Management Contracting)

. WTE activity is undeniable, said Ms. Wang. "It is a very stable industry – China and the countries of Southeast Asia have very large populations, there is waste every day and these volumes continue to grow."

There is a growing need to treat waste in China and in other developing countries. "As about two-thirds of China's cities are surrounded by tons of garbage, it's an urgent problem: other developing markets tend to bury their garbage in the garbage." landfills and, as a result, there are harmful effects on the environment and the resulting pollution's human lives. "

Boosting Expertise

Jinjiang Environment Market Capitalization current of about $ 650 million. Between 2014 and 2017, group revenues increased by a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 28.2%, while attributable net profits increased by 18.6%. The gross profit margin averaged 40.9% over this period.

The Group's balance sheet remains solid – operating cash flow reached 617 million yuan as at December 31, 2017, compared with 523 million yuan at the end of 2016. Cash and cash equivalents increased to 714.9 million yuan as of March 31, 2018 compared to 574.5 million yuan a year ago.

Jinjiang Environment aims to strengthen its leading position in China by broadening its domestic footprint and improving its technology Ms. Wang said:

In addition to the 21 WTE facilities currently in operation, the group has two factories under construction and expanding, and another 21 in preparation. Eight facilities are being modernized, while seven other projects are focused on waste recycling. The majority of the installations are built according to the BOO (build-own-operate) model, the rest being based on a build-operate-transfer (BOT) model.

It plans to accelerate the pace of technical upgrading by introducing advanced methods. "We are integrating advanced technologies from Germany and Finland into our existing solutions so that the group can offer the best in European know-how. Ms. Wang said that last March, she established a partnership with Zhejiang University to set up the National Engineering Laboratory for Technology and Equipment of Zhejiang. waste incineration – an important foundation that integrates innovation resources and boosts technology.

"Engaging in Waste"

The Chinese government has also given priority to the issue of waste treatment, given the rapid urbanization of the country. In 2017, the collection of urban waste from China exceeded 200 million tons, highlighting the phenomenon of "cities engulfed in waste," said Ms. Wang

according to the 13th Five-Year Plan for the construction of facilities of detoxification treatment for municipal waste. Waste, China's total waste incineration capacity will reach a target of 591,000 tonnes per day by the end of 2020, up 151% year-on-year and reflecting a CAGR of 20%.

Beyond China, Jinjiang markets overseas along the "One Belt, One Road" (OBOR) area. It will focus in particular on Southeast Asian countries – including Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaysia and Singapore – which have similar waste characteristics to those of China.

"We have a division dedicated to our strategy of expanding abroad. and she is researching the feasibility of potential WTE projects in Indonesia and Vietnam, "said Wang.

Last year, the group successfully entered the Singapore waste market, with construction and operation project (MBT) processing. This facility will have a 20-year service concession period and a daily waste handling capacity of 500 tonnes per day.

Jinjiang Environment also obtained three WTE projects in India last year, which will begin this year. In April, he made his first foray into the Latin American market as a result of an agreement to acquire a 51 percent stake in a Brazilian company WTE

"It's basically about Waters unknown for Brazil. Landfills, as the only method of waste disposal, offer good growth potential, "she noted, adding that Brazil has an annual output of 83 million tonnes.

According to the World Bank, global cities generated 1.3 billion tons. solid waste per year in 2012, 1.2 kg per person per day. As a result of rapid population growth and urbanization, municipal waste generation is expected to reach 2.2 billion tonnes by 2025.

No zero sum game

When Jinjiang Environment's mining projects are under construction and in the preparatory stages – both at home and abroad – are completed, its total waste treatment capacity is expected to reach approximately 66,086 tonnes per day. It is estimated that he will reach this goal by the end of 2019.

Despite the bright prospects of the industry, the challenges are not lacking, admitted Ms. Wang. "The characteristics of waste are constantly changing, and our technology needs to evolve in response to these changes. We also need to meet changing emission standards and environmental protection in different markets."

Competitive pressures will continue to increase efforts to monitor the environment. "We need to manage our risks well when we grow abroad – for example, by strict due diligence, prudent cash management, selecting strong local partners, and preparing talent." local. "

It's here that Ms. Wang's spirit of perseverance comes into play.

" Teamwork and determination are essential – we must be united in the face of situations difficult and solve everyday problems. to be able to go forward, "said Ms. Wang, who is from a family of academics and has a 33-year-old daughter.

And nothing is more important than justice and kindness, she added, emphasizing the Chinese character or "justice" and "rong," which refers to a magnanimous spirit.

"The two key principles that have guided me over the decades and that have helped me build the business are compassion and collaboration," she noted. "We should always have a great hearing, cultivate the spirit of forgiveness, and constantly seek opportunities to collaborate or collaborate with others – life is not a zero sum game. "

  • This is an excerpt from Kopi-C from SGX: The Brew Company, a regular column featuring C-level executives from SGX listed companies. Previous editions can be found on SGX's My Gateway website

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