Chinese Government Strongly Condemns Vaccine Scandal Affair | World


  Food and Drug Administration authorities verify rabies vaccines at the Huaibei Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Eastern Province of Anhui, July 24, 2018. - AFP pic ]
Food and Drug Administration authorities verify rabies vaccines at the Huaibei Center for Disease Control and Prevention in Eastern Anhui Province on July 24, 2018. – AFP pic

BEIJING , July 31 – According to a statement released yesterday, China has already ordered the arrest of 18 people at Changsheng Bio-Technology Co Ltd., the heart of the scandal, including its president Gao Junfang.

The company was found to have forged data and sold ineffective vaccines. He also produced production and inspection records for a rabies vaccine used for infants. Changsheng is already publicly excused for the incidents.

A State Council meeting chaired by Prime Minister Li Keqiang said yesterday that businesses and individuals should be severely punished and banished from the pharmaceutical industry for life

criminal liability for Other perpetrators of serious crimes involved in the Changsheng case

He also called for an in-depth investigation into the potential regulatory failures involved in the case, including the possible failure of officials, and said that a long-term mechanism should be Changsheng systematically falsified the production and analysis records to avoid regulatory oversight and also sold 252,600 doses of ineffective DTP vaccines to vaccinate children against diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus.

In a report Tuesday, Fitch Ratings said the scandal highlighted the risks faced by Chinese pharmaceutical companies, which focus primarily on the bulk production of a small number of products, making them vulnerable to security incidents.

"Concentration on low-quality generic drugs, high product concentration and increased regulatory risks to constrain the business profiles of most Chinese drug manufacturers to non-investment levels," he says – Reuters

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