Councilor proposes electric buses for London rapid transit


A city councilor in London wants the city to be the first rapid transit system to electrify Canada's highways.
Jesse Helmer says that electric buses will save the city hundreds of thousands of euros. and the noise.

"Not only is it good for the environment, but it will also save a lot of money," Helmer said.

The plan stems from a presentation by the Canadian Consortium for Research and Innovation in Urban Transportation (CUTRIC), which promotes low-carbon and "smart" transportation technologies.

The agency did a very detailed analysis of the proposed BRT routes in London that looked at the length of each road, how hilly it is and whether the vehicles would run in designated lanes. The evaluation found that this would save $ 860,000 a year, according to Helmer, compared to running diesel buses.

Electric buses would need four high-powered charging stations at the end of each route that could recharge a battery in minutes.

"I have been in electric buses in other parts of the country where they are tested," Helmer said. "They are much quieter to the point where you do not feel like you're riding honestly on a bus."

"We must improve transit"

Initial costs are higher. Buses are more expensive and there is the cost of charging stations. But, operating costs would be lower, according to Helmer. It maintains BRT's business case is stronger by using electric buses compared to diesel.

"The municipality is the largest funder of transportation operations, so we want to keep operating costs as low as possible," said Mr. Helmer

adding that the city would buy the company. electricity to London Hydro, which belongs to the city. "It's a much better idea to buy electricity from London Hydro and keep the distribution revenues."

BRT still needs federal government funding to go from there. # 39; before. Two hundred million dollars has been allocated to London transit, but project approval is still required. Construction could begin by 2020.

"This will be the best possible BRT system that we can build and if we electrify it, it will be frankly an example for the rest of America. North of what you can do with BRT, "said Helmer.

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