Crown Prince take his copyright in mind, nix 'Purple Rain' tribute


Universal Music Publishing Group, which holds the rights to Prince's songs, had ordered the video of a crowd that spontaneously sang the famous ballad of the Purple One

. The American singer and songwriter Prince performs on stage at one of his concerts. (Photo AFP)

NEW YORK: Prince was known to enforce the copyright of his songs, and now his heirs have ensured that the litigious has gone beyond the grave, demanding the removal of social media from A video of "Purple Rain"

A photojournalist from the Star Tribune, daily newspaper of Prince's hometown, Minneapolis, posted on Twitter a video of a crowd that spontaneously sings the famous ballad of Purple One on the day of his death in 2016.

The video, which has been retweeted over 13,500 times, has recently disappeared.

The photographer, Aaron Lavinsky, said Universal Music Publishing Group, which owns the rights to Prince's songs, ordered his removal.

stated, was acting under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, an often controversial US 1998 law that allows copyright holders to publish material removal notices online and exempts Internet companies from any responsibility.

"Disassembling DCMA is an important tool for artists who need to protect their intellectual property online, but a big company abusing the system to remove a video shot by a news photographer is inappropriate," commented M Lavinsky. the conglomerate music label and publisher's parent, did not immediately return a request for a comment.

Prince has vigorously targeted online postings during his lifetime, with his team demanding that fans take live performance footage and their own covers.

The most famous, Universal in 2007 demanded that a mother, Stephanie Lenz, remove a half-minute YouTube video of her son's child dancing to the prince "Let & # 39; Go Crazy. "

The case went to the United States Court of Appeals of the Ninth Circuit, which, in a nuanced opinion, did not fully support Lenz, but said that the rights holders The author had to consider fair use, that is to say the right to use

The Supreme Court refused to seize the case and Universal s'. is installed with Lenz outside the court last month. The video, nicknamed "Dancing Boy", remains on YouTube where it has been seen nearly two million times.

Prince's estate has relaxed some of the singer's directives since his death, including his music on major streaming services such as Spotify and signing new deals with record companies, with which Prince quarreled so intensely that He briefly changed his name into an unpronounceable symbol in the 1990s to escape contractual conditions.

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