Eating 5.5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day can reduce the risk of breast cancer


New American research has shown that women who eat at least five and a half servings of fruits and vegetables each day may have a lower risk of breast cancer, particularly aggressive tumors, than those who consume less.

New studies show that fruits and vegetables can help prevent breast cancer. (Reuters pic)

NEW YORK: Led by Harvard TH researchers This large-scale study looked at 182,145 women aged 27 to 59 participating in the Long-Term Nurses' Health Study and at the Nurses Health Study II, two of the largest surveys of women's risk factors. The researchers analyzed the diet questionnaires submitted by women every four years, as well as data on other potential risk factors for breast cancer such as age, weight, smoking status, and smoking status. history of family cancer

. showed that women who ate more than 5.5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day had a risk of breast cancer 11% lower than women who consumed 2.5 servings or less. A portion was defined as a cup of raw leafy vegetables, half a cup of raw or cooked vegetables, or half a cup of chopped or cooked fruit.

In particular, cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli and yellow and orange vegetables The team also investigated whether the consumption of fruits and vegetables affected differently different types of breast cancer, estimating that a consumption higher fruit and vegetables seemed particularly beneficial in reducing the risk of breast cancer. Aggressive tumors, including ER-negative, HER2-enriched and basal-like tumors

"Although previous studies have suggested an association, their potency was limited, especially for specific fruits and vegetables and subtypes. "This research provides the most complete picture of the importance of consuming large amounts of fruits and vegetables for the prevention of breast cancer," commented first author Maryam Farvid.

Earlier researchers found that greater fiber consumption is associated with a reduced risk of breast cancer.But the benefits of fruits and vegetables found in this study seemed to be independent of their fiber content, suggesting that other components, such as antioxidants and other micronutrients, may also be important in reducing the risk of breast cancer.

Lots of fruit "s and vegetables are associated with many other health benefits, our results could encourage women to increase their consumption of fruits and vegetables," said lead author Heather Eliassen

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