Facebook shares fall by more than 20% in a growth context | Technology


Facebook's share price plummeted by more than 20% outside trading hours, after the company's chief financial officer said revenue growth would continue to slow in the second half of 2018 19659002] In its 2014 second quarter earnings report, Facebook narrowly missed Wall Street's estimates of revenue and user growth, while continuing to earn $ 13.2 billion, an increase of 42% compared to the previous year. 2.2%, an increase of 11% over the previous year, as well as 1.47 billion daily active users. Wall Street analysts expecting stronger growth of users at $ 1.49 billion and revenues of $ 13.3 billion, the company's stock price dropped abruptly during a call profits. 19659002] "We are investing so much in safety that it will have a significant impact on our profitability," CEO Mark Zuckerberg said during the call, in reference to a pledge that he had announced in November 2017 to suppress electoral interference, misinformation and hate speech. "We are starting to see this quarter."

Chief Financial Officer David Wehner said, "Our total revenue growth rates will continue to slow in the second half of 2018, and we expect our revenue growth rates to decline by high percentages to a number of previous quarters sequentially in Q3 and Q4. "

Daily and monthly active users in Europe fell for the first time, to 279 million from 282 million and 376 million from 377 million, respectively. In the United States, daily and monthly users remained stable at $ 185 million and $ 241 million, respectively. Nevertheless, the company managed to release a little more money from all users in these markets compared to the previous quarter.

Zuckerberg also revealed a new measure: 2.5 billion people use at least one of the Facebook applications: Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp or Messenger – every month.

Throughout the revenue call, efforts were made to point out that future business growth would not come from the main Facebook platform but from its other properties, including its applications. messaging and Instagram. Zuckerberg described Instagram in particular as an "amazing success" and noted the financial potential of Instagram TV, a longform video format, which was launched at the end of June.

The director of operations, Sheryl Sandberg, said that there were opportunities to monetize the interactions between companies and customers on Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp, but that it was "very early."

The second quarter of the year was the first quarter after the Observer reported in mid-March that millions of Facebook user profiles had been harvested by a researcher and transmitted inappropriately to Cambridge Analytica, a political consulting firm that wanted the data to influence voters. April, Facebook revealed in a blog post that Cambridge Analytica could have collected 37 million more data than was originally reported, bringing the total number of people likely to be affected to 87 million.

on what our responsibility was and it was a huge mistake. During the same quarter, the company suspended hundreds of applications as part of an investigation triggered by the Cambridge Analytica scandal and Zuckerberg's appearances before Congress and the United States. European Parliament

At the end of May, the general data protection regulation came into force in Europe, limiting the way in which advertising companies collect data from individuals.

Facebook also made changes to improve transparency

The company also invested resources in electoral integrity in Mexico, identifying and removing fake accounts, pages and groups before the year. presidential election of July 1st.

months, there are important elections beyond the United States and these will all be real tests for Facebook, "said Zuckerbe.rg during the income appeal.

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