Henry Golding, the star of "Crazy Rich Asians", on the controversy behind his casting in the film


When "Crazy Rich Asians" will be released in theaters in August, it will be the first major Hollywood movie with a predominantly Asian cast in almost 25 years.

Henry Golding, who plays in the film in front of Constance Wu, said the "The View" that the cast knew about their work in the film was important.

"It was such a pure experience," Golding said Tuesday. "I mean, everyone on the set knew there was something special about this project, and it filtered from Jon Chu, the director, who had that vision, and the fact that Kevin Kwan, The author [‘Crazy Rich Asians’] was an integral part of the whole project, he had just that kind of, that authenticity behind that, and the fact that it was an entirely Asian cast simply brought the game. "

Golding plays Nick Young, a Singaporean living in New York, who attends the character of Wu, Rachel Chu. But the 31-year-old, who began his television career as a television presenter and tour organizer, said he'd already repeatedly refused auditions for the role

" Was not in this state of mind and for a large part of my life, I had somehow designated my state of mind to be something, and at that time I was presenter, "he explains." So when the offer came up, they said to themselves, "Oh, do you want to audition for that role? It's going to be a big movie. "I was like," Oh, I've heard about it, it 's going to be fantastic, but it' s for someone else, someone who 's 39; another who will bring the game A, who is a legitimate actor, on whom the studio will play "Because it's a big problem."

Some critics have also questioned whether Golding is Asian enough for the role. era comes from England and his mother is Malaysian.

"There were cries of money laundering, but, you know, I do not hate that," he said. "I think it's really a conversation that should be seen because it just shows the studios we are watching [that] we are very much aware of how we want our films to tell authentic stories."

his life he had struggled with his identity as half British and half Malaysian.

"The thing I learned very young was to have my identity, and I knew it, I'm Asian through and through, there's nothing I had to prove," said Golding. "So when that happened, I did not have a broken heart or I walked away from it, I think the best way to fight that kind of thing is to open a dialogue." that's what we did. "

Between" Crazy Rich Asians "and his film" A Simple Favorite ", Henry Golding's acting career takes off quickly, a challenge that he had to face with his wife Liv Lo. "It was not the filming of the movies, it was not the marketing for which we went around the world.It was the fact that I had to see my wife going through so much distress in knowing that she had to watch me fall in love with someone else on the screen and look at me, "said Golding." It's really a weird voyeuristic thing, to see someone deceive you. It seems so real. "

But Golding says that he and his wife have managed to overcome the problem.

" She overcame that, "he said," and it was a process that was very difficult. learning for both of us. a relationship like that. "

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