How does dementia kill you? Six first signs of the disease, you must know


Dementia is a term used to describe a group of diseases and symptoms that affect the brain.

There are different types – the four most common are Alzheimer's disease, vascular dementia, Lewy body dementia, and frontotemporal dementia. The different types of dementia can affect people differently, and everyone will feel the symptoms in their own way.

But how can dementia kill you? Dr. Andrew Thornber, Chief Medical Officer at Now Patient, explained that dementia is a terminal illness that stops the brain.

He said, "The actual death of a person with dementia may be caused by another illness.

Dementia is likely to be fragile towards the end and it is more difficult to fight infections and other physical problems due to the progression of dementia. "In many cases, death can be accelerated by an acute illness such as pneumonia or complications. like loss of brain function or heart attack. "

It is important to recognize all signs of dementia so that the patient can receive the best care possible."

There are six common early symptoms that may appear before diagnosis: dementia, according to the NHS [19659002] These include memory loss, difficulty concentrating, having trouble performing familiar everyday tasks, such as getting mixed up with the correct change when shopping, and struggling to keep up

Be confused at about time and place and mood changes are other early signs

So what's the best way to prevent dementia?

Research continues on the development of the disease and progress, but a balanced and healthy diet, regular exercise, a minimum of alcohol, efforts to reduce stress and adequate sleep reduce the risk of dementia.

Dr. Thornber recommends meditation. He said: "Meditation has been shown to reduce the stress hormone cortisol, which has been known to increase the risk of developing dementia.

" Just 10 minutes a day of meditation to clear up the lenosis. mind, have been shown to help slow the aging rate of the brain. "

The Alzheimer Society describes the effort you must make, what you should eat and the amount of alcohol you need to drink to prevent dementia

Staying Physically Active

Five Once a week is recommended.

The Alzheimer Society says, "You will need to be active enough to increase your heart rate and breathe a bit, you can walk, bike, swim or join a group of exercises or Regular exercise in adults of middle age or older reduces the risk of developing dementia.It is also good for your heart and your mental well-being.A balanced diet has many health benefits, including reducing your risk of dementia and heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes

Alzheimer's Society says, "A Healthy diet contains a high proportion of fatty fish, fruits, vegetables, unrefined grains and olive oil, as well as low levels of red meat and sugar

". fats (cakes, cookies, most cheeses) and limit sweets. Also monitor your salt intake because salt increases your blood pressure and stroke risk. Read food labels to see what they contain and look for healthier options.

Keep your alcohol within recommended limits

The maximum is 14 units per week for men and women, spread over three days or more. This is the equivalent of four or five large glasses of wine, or seven pits of beer or lager with a lower alcohol content.

Alzheimer's Society says: "Regularly exceeding these weekly limits increases your risk of dementia.If you have difficulty reducing what you drink, talk to your GP about available support."

Vascular dementia occurs when there is a decrease in blood flow to the brain that damages and ultimately kills brain cells.

are nine factors that can increase the chances of illness in later life.

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