NEW YORK, Nov. 7 – A new US study has shown that hypertensive young adults under the age of 40 are at increased risk for cardiovascular events, such as heart failure, stroke, and blood vessel obstruction. age.
Led by researchers at Duke Health, the study used the new US guidelines on blood pressure published in 2017, which lowered the clinical definition of high blood pressure compared to previous levels, to study the link between the level of blood pressure (BP) in young adults and the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in middle-aged people.
Among the participants were 4,851 young adults aged 18 to 30 years who underwent a blood pressure measurement before the age of 40 as part of the CARDIA study on the development of coronary risk in young people adults (CARDIA), which began in 1985.
The participants were then classified into four groups based on their blood pressure: normal (systolic blood pressure less than or equal to 120 or greater than 80 diastolic or less); high (120-129 out of less than 80); stage 1 hypertension (130-139 of 80-89); or stage 2 hypertension (140 or more of 90 or more).
Researchers examined participants' data on a median of 18.8 years.
The results, published in JAMA, showed that participants with high blood pressure, stage 1 hypertension, and stage 2 hypertension under age 40, as defined in the 2017 guidelines, had a much higher risk of developing diseases. cardiovascular than those with normal blood pressure. before the age of 40.
"This is a first step in determining whether high blood pressure, as defined by the new criteria, should be of concern to younger people as a potential precursor to serious problems," commented Lead author, Yuichiro Yano, MD, Ph.D. "Although it is an observational study, she demonstrates that the new blood pressure guidelines are useful for identify people who may be at risk for cardiovascular events. " – AFP-Relaxnews
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