– I'm the guy who started with $ 7 Bucks & # 39; – Olisa.tv


Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson is grateful.

According to Forbes, the actor reported $ 124 million from June 2017 to June 2018, nearly doubling the $ 65 million that he put on the 2017 list.

5th in the rankings General on Celebrity 100 of 2018, and although he is described as "the highest paid actor in Hollywood," he won less than George Clooney who made the number 2 on the list. And that's thanks to the $ 700 million that Clooney made by selling his tequila company, Casamigos, to the British Diageo Liquor Company

The Rock earned $ 124 million through its role of actor

. on where he came from. "I work extremely hard but I never expected (in my wildest dreams) that I would be the best paid actor in the Forbes story," he wrote on Instagram.

Adding: "I do not have an MBA at Harvard, my business philosophy and my keen senses have been sharpened over time and by failure.My goal when I was struggling in the flea markets for $ 40 per game (long before the shining lights of @wwe) is still the same goal that I have today – ALWAYS put my PUBLIC FIRST … I'm the guy who started w / $ 7. I am grateful to the bone and hungry to the nucleus. "

dwayne's rock'n'roll johnson

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