Following the drama between Kris Wu, Ariana Grande, Scooter Braun, and their fans, Kris Wu has finally responded to the issue in an interview with Californian radio station, Hot 103.5.
DJ Freeze started to bring up the issue saying how Americans are shocked that the former EXO member managed to perform so well on the iTunes chart. “This guy sells so many albums and get so many streams that the American companies were like ‘What?’”
Kris who has been staying on lowkey during the whole drama finally voiced out his thoughts and admitted that the issue angered him a bit. “My fans are real people. They were supporting me every single day. Not bots, not that type of shit. That gets me mad.”
“Just because they’ve never seen a Chinese artist on top of the charts, doesn’t mean that it’s not gonna happen. I’m gonna stay humble and respectful. It’s all good,” Kris said at the interview.
— Kris Wu (@KrisWu) November 11, 2018
It has been explained that the reason Kris Wu’s new album “Antares” get so many streams and purchases on the U.S. iTunes is because the release was held back in China.
So his fans from China and all across Asia used whatever method they have, including VPN manipulation, to get their hands on the album, which is why his album sales skyrocketed on iTunes.
? if u got my album on iTunes wave back #antares ??? https://t.co/qRCe7A5Lo3
— Kris Wu (@KrisWu) November 10, 2018
But now, iTunes decided to not count the sales as it was acquired “fraudulently”.
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