Miley Cyrus, Gerard Butler, Neil Young Lose Homes – Variety


The massive wildfires that continue to rage in California have forced hundreds of thousands in Southern California to evacuate from their homes. Miley Cyrus, Gerard Butler, and Neil Young are among those whose houses in the Malibu area were destroyed by the Woolsey fire.

Celebrities including Lady Gaga, Kim Kardashian West, Rainn Wilson, and Alyssa Milano fled their houses over the weekend to escape the unprecedented winds.

Cyrus said she was “completely devestated by the fires affecting my community.” She encouraged people to aid in relief efforts by donating money and supplies to organizations like California’s Wildfire Relief Fund and the Red Cross.

“I am one of the lucky ones,” she wrote on Twitter. “My animals and LOVE OF MY LIFE made it out safely & that’s all that matters right now. My house no longer stands but the memories shared with family & friends stand strong.”

Butler shared a photo on Instagram of the burnt remains of his Malibu home and thanked the Los Angeles Fire Department for their service. “Returned to my house in Malibu after evacuating. Heartbreaking time across California. Inspired as ever by the courage, spirit and sacrifice of firefighters,” he wrote.

In a post on his website, Young said he hoped the calamitous fires would urged people to take action on the impact of climate change.

“Firefighters have never seen anything like this in their lives. I have heard that said countless times in the past two days, and I have lost my home before to a California fire, now another,” he wrote. “Hopefully we can come together as a people to take climate change on. We have the tools and could do it if we tried. There is no downside.”

Robin Thicke posted a statement on Instagram to express gratitude for volunteers and firefighters. “As we drove to safety, they risked their lives trying to save our home. We are safe and surrounded by family and friends,” he wrote.

Caitlyn Jenner’s Malibu home survived the fire, despite TMZ reports on Friday that said it had burnt down. She posted a video to Instagram on Sunday night to share that her estate remained unscathed. “It was devastating out here in Malibu,” Jenner said. “You can see the hills are just totally scorched.”

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