More durians rolling this year: AVA data, Singapore News & Top Stories


There has been a deluge of the king of fruits in Singapore, with the number of durians imported in the first half of the year already exceeding the halfway point for last year.

Durian sellers and buyers said that unlike in previous years, prices also fell.

The reason for the exceptional harvest? According to the latest figures from the Singapore Food and Veterinary Authority (AVA), 8,900 tonnes of fresh and chilled durian were imported into Singapore, more than the amount recorded halfway through. Last year, 14,300 tons were imported for the year 2017.

Of the number of durians imported so far this year, 8,300 tons came from Malaysia and 600 tons from Japan. Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand and other countries. According to Shin Min Daily News, 8,900 tons of durians equals about six million durians, if a fruit weighs 1.5 kg

The quality of durians is also better this year, according to fans.

Mr Alvin Teoh, 33, the owner of Durian36 in Geylang Road, said it was importing 60 to 70 percent more this year than in the first half of last year. It sells the highest quality of mao shan wang durian – also known as musang king – for as little as $ 15 per kilogram during this season

Last year, the price for the same category was $ 22 to $ 25 per kg. He said, "Mao Shan Wang comes in different categories – A, B and C. The grade of durian I sell, grade A, weighs about 1.5 kilograms and has more flesh and flavor than the rest."

Frequent Ang frequent buyer, an official who refused to give his full name, said that the quality of a durian can be evaluated in several ways, for example, in its consistency and smoothness, l 39; intensity of taste and overall maturity.

million. Ang, 32, who has done his own research on how to choose a good durian, said: "For durians, as for most crops, better yield and quality go hand in hand. hot and dry, durian trees produce more fruit, and the average quality also improves. "

This year's import figure is not expected to be as large as the amount in 2013, when a record of 22 900 tons has been introduced into the country, according to AVA.

So, how long does this durian holiday last? Mr. Teoh said, "I think Singaporeans can take advantage of increased imports of durians for about two more weeks."

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