More than 240,000 people are looking for James Gunn to rehire


Gunn, 51, has been a frank critic of President Donald Trump and has drawn the wrath of conservative critics.

James Gunn is described as a "very, very different" person when he wrote a series of offensive tweets. it made him fired by Disney. (Photo AFP)

SAN DIEGO: More than 240,000 people have signed a petition calling on Disney to rehire James Gunn, director of the Guardians of the Galaxy franchise, who has also won several offensive tweets. "I'm smart enough to know that it probably will not change anything but I hope it could get Disney to realize the mistake they made and stop doing it at all." 39; future, "said a person by the name of Chandler Edwards. who started the petition on

"I agree that if people say a lot of stupid shit when working for a studio, the studio has every right to fire it on the possible controversy. different, however, as he made those jokes years before working for Disney and also the fact that they were jokes. "

Edwards argued that if Gunn was punished by being removed from the third installment in the popular series, "you have to do it for all the other directors who have said a shit joke in their life, that's all."

The tweets, mainly from 2008 and 2011, were joking about taboo topics such as rape and pedophilia.

Gunn, 51, was a harsh critic of President Donald Trump and drew the wrath of conservative critics, who went back through his calendar and unearthed the tweets.

star of the "Guardians" Dave Bautista defended Gu nn on Twitter

"What will you do when the #cybernazis attack you? Who will be at your side? Who will let go lamentably of you? Who will punish you for horrible JOKES in the past instead of defending you to INSPIRE millions? MILLIONS !!! "

After the offensive tweets resurfaced on Thursday night, Gunn used the microblogging platform to say" I developed as a person, my job and my humor. " "Provocateur."

Gunn, who deleted his account, described himself as a "very, very different" person than when he wrote the tweets, now focusing on love rather than anger

the galaxy "movies. The third film in the series will be released in 2020.

Gunn was fired after the Disney ABC television network blocked Roseanne Barr from the sitcom "Roseanne" for a racist tweet about the former White House aide Valerie Jarrett.

She was targeted because of her vocal support to Trump in an industry that largely opposes him.

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