Movies with worst box-office openings of all time: ‘London Fields’


Actress Amber Heard’s latest movie isn’t just a bomb, it’s one of the biggest bombs of all time.

The movie, “London Fields,” based on the 1989 novel by Martin Amis, debuted over the weekend with just over $168,000, according to Box Office Mojo. It made only $300 per screen on average. That’s one of the worst box-office takes of all time for a movie opening wide on 600 screens or more.

According to Variety, the movie has had a bumpy road to theaters amidst a wave of legal battles. In 2015, director Matthew Cullen sued producers Chris Hanley and Jordan Gertner, who countersued and claimed Cullen went over his budget for the movie. The producers also sued Heard, claiming she breached her contract, but Heard countersued Hanley and Gertner.

Critics did the movie no favors, either. It has a 0% critic score on review-aggregator site Rotten Tomatoes.

We rounded up some of the other worst box-office openings of all time for movies premiering on over 600 screens, and ranked them based on numbers from Box Office Mojo, adjusted for inflation. We also included the original opening and adjusted total domestic gross, along with what critics said about the movie.

Below are the seven worst box-office openings of all time:

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