The Los Angeles Police Department is investigating a death threat against South Korean pop singer Jimin, a member of BTS. The group of stars is expected to perform in the United States in September
. US broadcaster NBC News reported on July 14 that the LAPD had confirmed the case and was currently reviewing it, citing a LAPD media relations officer. 19659002] Jimin recently received a death threat from an anonymous Instagram user who posted a picture of a gun and a statement that the user plans to turn the artist to the next concert of BTS in Los Angeles.
This is the third death threat Jimin, along with those who preceded the band's concert in Anaheim last April and his Forth Worth concert in May
The group's agency Big Hit Entertainment has promised fans to keep an eye on the situation and take all the necessary steps.
BTS will be performing at the Staples Center from September 5-8 as part of its Love Yourself World Tour beginning August 25 in Seoul. [196] 59002] After the United States, the tour will continue in cities such as London, Amsterdam, Berlin and Paris
The group of seven musicians is the first K-pop group to top the Billboard 200 charts American. BTS was included in the list of the 25 most influential people on the Internet of Time magazine published last month. – The Korea Herald / Asia News Network
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