Pressure on girls for perfect body ‘worse than ever’: Orbach | Life , Health


Girls and young women are under more pressure than ever to achieve the perfect body in an oppressive social media-driven world that could never have been imagined by ’70s feminists, psychoanalyst and best-selling author Susie Orbach says. Forty years after the publication of her seminal book “Fat is a Feminist Issue,” the British writer, who was once Princess Diana’s therapist, said women were commodifying their bodies as they tried to conform to false images peddled by online beauty influencers.

Girls as young as 6 were being conditioned to think about cosmetic surgery, she added, with a host of industries fueling and profiting from body insecurity.

Orbach, 72, said the inevitable outcome was the creation of a society where women would divert their energy and focus inward, rather than trying to change the world.

Orbach has spoken about the liberation women felt from the late ’60s, when they began to challenge beauty pageant objectification and rebel against body expectations.

Reality television shows such as “Love Island,” where sculpted single men and women compete to couple up and win a cash prize, were both a symptom and a cause of pushing body image on impressionable young minds.

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