Rebel Wilson apologizes for the lead claims of the "biggest" romcom company


Rebel Wilson said that she was "deeply sorry" to have claimed that she was the "first plus size girl" to direct a romantic comedy.

Star Wilson commented last week on the Ellen DeGeneres Show about her new film Is not It Romantic.

However, moviegoers quickly challenged this claim, noting that several black actresses, including Mo'Nique and Queen Latifah, had already directed romantic comedies.

The Australian actress first reacted against those who challenged her on Twitter, apparently blocking users who made critical comments.

However, the 38-year-old woman later apologized for her response, stating, "I realize now that what I've said is not only wrong, but also incredibly hurtful."

After his initial request, a user wrote on Twitter: "I love Rebel Wilson as much as the next girl, but she is not the first woman to play the lead role in a romantic comedy. Queen Latifah and Mo'Nique both played the lead role.

Wilson's answer that it was "doubtful" whether these counted roles still ignited the issue.

"Yes, of course I know these films, but you might wonder if: 1. Technically, these actresses were bigger when they shot these movies or 2. Technically, these films are co-authored / presented as Roma studios. com with only one track. So, there is a slight gray area. "

Mo'Nique, 2006 star, The Last Holiday, told him to "take a moment to know the story".

The hashtag #RebelWilsonBlockedMe started to be fashionable when critical critics discovered that they could no longer see Wilson's tweets.

Excusing several days after the start of the first line of Twitter, Wilson said she "was blocking people on Twitter because I had a hard time criticizing."

She added, "These are the people I need to hear more, not less."

The Australian actress said she was "deeply sorry," telling her fans, "With the help of very compassionate and thoughtful responses from others on social networks, I realize now that what I've said is not only wrong, but also extremely hurtful.

"Being part of a problem that I hoped to help helped make the situation even more embarrassing and hard to recognize."

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