Rub and tug could be scrapped following Scarlett Johansson's withdrawal | Entertainment


Plans to do & # 39; Rub & Tug & # 39; could be scrapped as a result of Scarlett Johansson's recent withdrawal from the project.

The 33-year-old actress had originally accepted a role in the controversial film, which tells the story of a Scarlett later withdrew from the film amid a violent reaction on plans for her to play Dante's Tex & # 39; Gill, who operated massage parlors as a front for prostitution.

Gill – who had relationships with women and describes herself as "he" – was born a woman, but dressed like a man.

In light of the reaction of the trans and other community, Scarlett withdrew from the project last week and efforts to make the film at all Scarlett was originally supposed to produce the film through his company These Pictures, but it is not clear yet if it will stay connected to "Rub & Tug".

After shooting the m Last week, Scarlett issued a statement in which she explained her decision.

She stated: "In the light of the recent ethical issues raised by my casting under the name of Dante Tex Gill, I decided to respectfully withdraw my participation in the project." 19659002] "Our Cultural Understanding of Transgender People continues to advance, and I have learned a lot from the community since I made my first statement on my casting and that I realize that she was insensitive. "

"I have a lot of admiration and love for the trans community and I am grateful that the conversation about inclusivity in Hollywood continues. According to GLAAD, LGBTQ + characters dropped by 40% in 2017 compared to the previous year, with no representation of trans characters in a major studio release. "

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