Should you try the new cyclical craze of the keto diet?


C is another day, which means that there is another variation of the keto diet. Let us introduce you: keto cycling.

No, that does not mean that keto fans should give up their regular training for a spin class. Keto cycling, aka cyclic ketogenic diet, or CKD for short, is actually a less restrictive form of keto (yes, more carbs), for those seeking an alternative to extreme eating, or those seeking a a way to make it easier When you venture out for the first time in the world without carbs, you fall into what is known as the "keto-flu" – the period when your body goes from burning carbohydrates and sugar to alcohol. Energy, to burn fat. Like any other flu, you will also experience unpleasant symptoms ranging from stomach upset and headaches, to insomnia and vertigo.

After your body has adapted to burning fat, the symptoms should disappear. you have exceeded your carbohydrate limit, where keto-cycling can come into play.

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Although it's not worth it. There is no real definition of what is keto cycling, the essential of the idea revolves around the idea of ​​having five to six days of strict ketogenic diet. then devote one day a week as a cheat day or a day of higher carbs.

So, where you eat a low carb, high fat diet all week, keto cycling allows you to consume more carbs than usual one day a week. The goal here is to temporarily change ketosis to replenish muscle glycogen

According to dietitian Chloe McLeod, everyone should be wary of health decisions based on theories, especially since "large studies of quality research on keto-cycling at the present time. "

" Eating a low carb diet may be helpful for some people, but it's not fair for everyone . Keep in mind that if you really follow a keto diet, as soon as you eat your carbohydrates, it eliminates you from ketosis.

However, Ms McLeod says that cycling in and out of the ketosis can be beneficial not only for balancing hormones, but also for relieving the mind.

"Giving you more flexibility in your diet by taking keto days can be helpful in providing a mental break from the restriction."

That a day of normal consumption at high carbs is a good chance of getting a good dose of whole grains, which, in turn, will keep your gut healthy and happy.

"It may be a good chance to get a fiber supplement and whole grains in your diet, which is more beneficial to your gut health (and overall health) in the long run; It has been shown that high fat diets alter the types of bacteria in the intestines.

Two research studies on keto cycling in 2017 suggest that athletes and those who regularly practice high intensity exercise could benefit more from a cyclic ketogenic cycle. diet because they will be able to combine the benefits of burning ketones with enough sugar available to improve performance, strength and muscle gain.

But do not be too fat here and go crazy on pizza and hot chips. As with any healthy diet, you should always consider your eating habits.

Opt for low GI carbohydrates such as brown rice, sweet potatoes, fruits, quinoa, lentils and legumes of fiber, vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients.


The more you have followed the ketogenic diet, the faster your body will rebound into ketosis. In addition, eating low GI complex carbohydrates during your refill days will make the transition a lot easier.

According to, the return to ketosis can be achieved by following these three steps:

1. Last day of carbohydrate replenishment: Do not eat after 18 hours

2. Day 1 on the standard ketogenic diet: Wake up and perform HIIT or intense weight training on an empty stomach. After workout, start a strict ketogenic diet with a carbohydrate intake of 0-2 percent.

3. Day 2 on the standard ketogenic diet: Wake up and perform MISS (medium intensity intensity state) or a medium intensity weight training on an empty stomach. Return to a normal ketogenic diet with a carbohydrate intake of 3-5%.

But in the end: "Being flexible, listening to your body and your needs is the best way to go," says McLeod. ] To learn more about this topic, here is Scott Gooding's five-day meal plan. In addition, we broke the four most common myths about the keto diet.

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