Study finds coffee is good for fighting rosacea


According to a new study published in JAMA Dermatology, women who regularly consumed caffeinated beverages were less likely to have rosacea – a condition characterized by redness, flushing and visible blood vessels on the face.

Findings suggest that those who drank a cup of tea or a cup of tea, or a cup of tea, or a cup of tea. Those who drank less than a month ago were 23 percent more likely to suffer from the problem.

A team led by Wen-Qin Li from Brown University analyzed a previous study that took place between the 1990s and early 2000s. Scientists reviewed lifestyle factors, dietary records and medical information of thousands of female nurses.

Participants were questioned on the clothes – coffee, tea, carbonated drinks and chocolate. The group of 82,737 women were also asked if they had been officially diagnosed with rosacea.

As part of their work, the team of authors analyzed self-reported caffeine intake between 1991 and 2005 or the year was diagnosed with rosacea.

Scientists also considered other factors associated with rosacea – smoking, alcohol intake, BMI and physical activity. They also excluded participants who have been diagnosed with the condition within four years.

Interestingly, caffeine found in other beverages or chocolate did not reduce the likelihood of rosacea nor decaf coffee. Researchers suggest that it is not only possible to bioactive compounds, but also to detect or prevent rosacea through anti-inflammatory characteristics. However, they admit more research is needed.

"This is an observational study, not a randomized clinical trial (RCT), which is widely considered to be the gold standard in causal relationships. However, a randomized trial of long-term coffee drinking would be difficult to carry out – it would be problematic for sure. Without an RCT we must rely on large, prospective cohorts studies like this one as the next best option in these relationships, "write the study authors.

"This study provides evidence that patients with osteoporosis are more likely to have a history of pregnancy. We will be looking at you! "

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This article originally appeared on Men's Health

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