The operator of the Fukushima nuclear power plant takes television commercials


The operator of the Fukushima nuclear power plant takes over television commercials


  Japan closes all reactors following the Fukushima crisis, the worst nuclear accident since the Chernobyl disaster in 1986

  Japan closes all reactors following the Fukushima crisis

Japan has shut down all reactors following the Fukushima crisis, the worst nuclear accident since the Chernobyl disaster in 1986. The operator of the Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan resumed Wednesday television commercials, seven years after the Collapse in 2011.

A Tokyo Electric Power Co (TEPCO) Holdings retailer stated that it was advertising on television, radio stations and trains, while Energy intensified

. is controversial, with some angry campaigners that TEPCO spends on advertising while it stays on hook for the huge costs arising from the disaster, including

But a spokesperson for TEPCO Energy Partner has stated that the new campaign was "necessary" to help Fukushima

"Our achievement of sales targets will enable us to fulfill our responsibilities for Fukushima." said Megumi Kobayashi to AFP

Advertisements feature " Tepcon ", a rabbit mascot who shares" catchy "information on the company's electricity and gas packages.

TEPCO removed its commercials from the Fukushima disaster, which was triggered by a tremor earth and a tsunami in March 2011.

The tsunami destroyed the cooling systems of the Fukushima plant on Japan's northeastern coast, causing the fusion of reactors and radio leaks. As a result of the Fukushima crisis, the worst nuclear accident since the Chernobyl disaster in 1986.

The government has paid billions of dollars to TEPCO to maintain the company, which provides

It faces huge and ongoing costs as it absorbs cash for the dismantling of reactors, cleaning up contaminated areas and compensating those who have fled their homes due to radiation fears.

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