The sobering truth about antibiotics


It is important to remember that the excessive use of antibiotics will result in antibiotic-resistant bacteria that will make serious infections difficult to treat.

By Tran Pham

An antibiotic is a type of medicine used to fight a bacterial infection. This is the treatment prescribed for pneumonia and other common conditions like acne.

Antibiotics work by destroying bacteria and preventing them from multiplying. However, antibiotics have no effect in fighting viral infections such as colds, flu and sore throats.

When they are used the right way, antibiotics can be a potential cure. However, abusing the use of antibiotics can lead to antibiotic-resistant bacteria, a dangerous problem that spreads across England and Europe.

To prevent antibiotic resistance, you must know the truth about the use of antibiotics. Here are the facts …

Antibiotics do not work on viral or fungal infections

Bacteria: Antibiotics are used to treat bacterial infections. Bacteria are unicellular micro-creatures that can reproduce alone

Although most bacteria are harmless, some can cause food poisoning, gonorrhea, abscesses, pneumonia and acne.

Virus: are caused by viruses. They are much smaller than bacteria and can not survive without host

In the human body, viruses cling to human cells, causing the cells to burst or die to reproduce. In some cases, viruses turn normal cells into cancer cells.

In general, most viruses cause diseases such as colds, flu, herpes, HIV / AIDS, HPV, measles and rubella. Fungal infections are caused by fungi that are generally present in the environment.

Light fungal infections resemble a rash, while fungal infections in the bloodstream or spinal cord are more rare. While most mushrooms are not dangerous, some can cause eye infections, ringworm and histoplasmosis.

Choosing the Right Antibiotic

Depending on the type of bacterial infection you have, your doctor will prescribe the best antibiotic

Generally, there are six groups of antibiotics: penicillins , cephalosporins, amino-glycosides, tetracyclines, macrolides, fluoroquinolones / quinolones

Factors to consider when prescribing antibiotics

• Which bacteria caused the disease : Your doctor will find the best antibiotic to fight this specific bacteria.

• Allergies: Certain types of allergies may negate the effect of an antibiotic. For example, a person allergic to penicillin will not receive amoxicillin.

• Side Effects, Current Health Status: Your doctor will consider the side effects of the antibiotic, as well as your current status to know if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

• Other factors: You may discuss with your doctor your budget, schedule, and any other medications or herbs you are taking.

in three forms:

• Oral antibiotics: These are in the form of tablets, pills, capsules or liquid. Oral antibiotics are the most common and are used to treat mild to moderate infections.

• Topical antibiotics: These include creams, lotions, sprays or drops. Topical antibiotics are used to treat skin infections.

• Injections: Some antibiotics come in the form of an injection or an infusion. This type of antibiotic is injected directly into the muscle or bloodstream of a patient and is used to treat severe bacterial infections.

Use antibiotics properly

Your doctor will prescribe daily doses of antibiotics to treat the infection. This prescription should be followed religiously and if side effects develop, these should be reported to your doctor immediately.

If you miss a dose, you should not double the next dose. You can either take the missed dose as soon as you make it, or skip it completely. Taking a double dose of antibiotics will increase the risk of antibiotic resistance.

Excessive use of antibiotics will expose you to a risk of resistance. It is a condition in which bacteria no longer respond to treatment by adapting to drugs or by turning into more advanced forms.

These types of infections can be serious and difficult to treat and become a growing cause of disability. and died around the world.

When used correctly, antibiotics can be a life-saving treatment. However, because of the growing number of cases of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, health organizations around the world recommend reducing the use of antibiotics, especially for conditions not considered serious.

This article was published in and has been edited by Dr. Duyen Le. Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

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