The visionary trumpeter of Poland Stanko dies


An iconic figure in European jazz, the veteran trumpeter was one of the pillars of the prestigious German jazz record company ECM and regularly toured the world

Tomasz Stanko, Polish jazz trumpet player. (Photo from Reuters)

WARSAW: The Polish trumpet virtuoso, Tomasz Stanko, died Sunday at the age of 76, announced Polish public radio citing the artist's daughter [19659004]. Born in Rzeszow in south-eastern Poland, Stanko filled concert halls across the United States and Europe

He belonged to a generation of Polish jazzmen who embraced music. "In my mind, it all started with modern jazz: Miles Davis, John Coltrane Chet Baker," Stanko told AFP in 2005. After hearing his idols, he "At the time, I Was anchored in existentialism, French new wave cinema and Italian neo-realism, art, Faulkner and Joyce's books, bohemian Paris … they were all inspired by the piano and the violin. me. "

Beak" Everything inspires me, be it the music of Poland, Turkey, North Africa, Jamaica or Portugal, anywhere, "Stanko told AFP

. first winner of the European Jazz Prize of the Austrian Music Office in 2002.

In 2013, the French Academy of Jazz awarded him his coveted European Musician Award

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