They ate raw centipedes – and then the headaches started


The first patient, a 78-year-old woman, arrived at the hospital in November 2012 with headaches, drowsiness, and cognitive impairment. A few weeks later, a 46-year-old man also came to the hospital with a headache that had lasted more than 20 days. Both patients had stiff necks, sign of possible meningitis. The scans showed two suspicious spots in the woman's brain and a nodule in the right lung of the man

Both patients had something in common: they had eaten raw millipedes of one vegetable market in Guangzhou. infected with the rat lungworm, otherwise known as Angiostrongylus cantonensis, which had caused a type of meningitis.

The parasite can fully mature in the rat, not in humans. "So when it happens to a human, it can get lost, and it will go to the brain, and it will stay there," Heather Stockdale Walden, assistant professor in the Department of Infectious Diseases and Pathology at the University of Florida "When it gets to the brain, you can have eosinophilic meningitis," she says, referring to inflammation of the thin membrane covering the spinal cord and brain.

Humans have been infected with the virus. parasite by eating contaminated plants and animals – including snails, slugs and even monitoring lizards. But it was not known to be caused by eating centipedes, which have long been used in traditional Chinese medicine.

To confirm that it could have been centipedes, the researchers bought 20 of them in the same market where both patients had theirs. They found rat lungworm larvae in seven of the specimens – an average of 56 larvae per centipede.

"To our knowledge, this is the first report of A. cantonensis infection by centipede consumption". Janice Okubo, a spokeswoman for the Hawaii State Department of Health has seen a number of cases.

More than 140 species of mollusks, such as snails and slugs, have been found as potential intermediate hosts in nature and in scientific experiments, according to the authors of the new report.

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Other Animals that feast on these snails, including frogs and fish, can also be infected. But as indicated by the name of the parasite, the rat is the definitive host.

The parasitic worm, after being ingested by the rats, goes from the intestines to the bloodstream and then to the brain. They moult and mature in the brain and migrate to the arteries of the lung, where we find adult worms. An adult female can lay 15,000 eggs a day.
The rats spit these worms and swallow them afterwards. This is how the parasites tend to end up in the faeces of rats, where they are then eaten by slugs or snails – and so the cycle continues.
In humans, the parasite can not survive long. infections eventually resolve themselves. But, in rare cases, it can lead to serious complications and even death, according to the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

"Angiostrongylus cantonensis may present differently in adults and children. that you hear complaint is a headache, "Walden said, adding that adults often report stiffness in the neck, nausea and vomiting.

" In children, it is more nausea and vomiting, not so much headaches, "she said.Children will also have fevers and will experience abdominal pain more than adults.

Ingested parasite" can also move to the eye , and you can have an eye angiostrongylus, "said Walden." If the parasite goes to the eye, sometimes you can surgically remove it. "

People do not become contagious, so they do not can not transmit the infection to someone else.

New report patients recover well after 15 days of treatment, which included a pest and a steroid, the authors wrote

Doctors are looking for general Indices and bases their diagnoses on the possible exposure to the parasite, through food or water, while living in or visiting an endemic area. More than 2,800 cases have been reported in about 30 countries, mostly in parts of Asia and the Pacific Islands, with fewer cases in the Caribbean and in Africa

The CDC recommends that vegetables and boil frogs or snails. eat for three to five minutes. According to the agency, you may also want to cover any drink to thwart snails or slugs on a mission.

CNN's Susan Scutti contributed to this report.

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