Tunisia sees post-revolution cinema revival | Arts & Ent, Movies & TV


Some 200,000 people filmed this year to watch "El Jaida" by filmmaker and activist Salma Baccar about the fight for women's rights in Tunisia.

Such box office figures are the highest in 15 years, said Lassaad Goubantini, one of Tunisia's leading film distributors.

Mehdi Barsaoui, a Tunisian director, said filmmakers are "no longer forced to skirt" rules imposed by the regime "through unsaid things and metaphors".

His first feature film examines organ trafficking between Tunisia and Libya in the chaos after the two countries' revolutions.

Another film featuring the Carthage program is "Dachra" by Abdelhamid Bouchnak, dubbed Tunisia's first horror film.

The biggest challenge in Tunisia is the shortage of cinemas.

Hakka co-founder Amal Saadallah estimates Tunisia needs at least 100 cinemas to create a strong industry.

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